kinds of human cohabitation, "alter–
native life-styles," "living together,"
"adult communes" and otlier trendy
nonsense run rampant!
Another presidential appointee to
the National Advisory Committee,
Carolyn Shaw Bell, once wrote a
article entitled, "Let's
Get Rid of Families." She was not
using sarcasm.
In fact, of the 41 members of the
National Advisory Committee, only
one, a Mormon, is consistently pro–
as God made
On the other
hand, feminists, social workers and
liberal política! groups are well rep–
The tone of the WHCF is already
clear. According to the Religious
News Service, at one assembly held
under WHCF auspices in New York,
"The group made a clear aggressive
pursuit of a new definition of family
and passed a platform of gay and
lesbian rights."
Significantly, an unofficial group
working closely with the official
WHCF is the "Coalition for the
White House Conference." Its mem–
bership includes the National Gay
Task Force!
Why Famlly VItal
The family, writes Mr. Sobran, "is
the last stronghold of freedom." The
family is not the lowest level of the
govermpent administrative bureau–
is, rather the institution set
up by God for the rearing of children
and general spi ritual upbuilding of
man and woman.
The fami ly is a buffer between the
government and the individual. The
family as God made it commands its
own !ove and loyalty.
No wonder,
one of the
purposes of the totalitarian state was
"to prevent men and women from
forming loyalties which it might not
be able to control."
Like God, the fami ly is a source of
human loyalty that has a stronger ,
claim than that of the government or
society. Those who desire to enslave
people in the name of "society," or
" the people," must first destroy the
family. Because of the family, people
are different, unequal, individual,
you are an egotistical
megalomaniac who desires to remold
a ll of society according to your own
utopian schemes, you will want to
destroy the family, which will inevi–
tably stand in your way.
God Himself is a Family and His
ultimate purpose for man is to bring
man into that Family. By destroying
the family, men become farther
removed in their ability to under–
stand God's glorious divine purpose.
The lmmediate Future
There is not a lot of good news this
side of God's world tomorrow. The
trends detailed in this a rticle are
among the reasons why the following
biblical prophecy was directed at our
modern age:
"This know also that in the last
days perilous times shall come. For
men shall be ... disobedient to par–
ents ..." (11 T imothy 3:1-2).
Together with Christ's prophecy
about chi ldren "rising up" against
their own parents- which
isso true,
a time of government takeover of
children, chi ld's rights and new defini–
tions of family, the. future for
family as God made it–
does not look good short term.
The world has forgotten God. It
also seems unaware of the god of this
wor ld- that the whole world is
deceived! How? By blindly allowing
Satan tó lead the world into his false
This conspiracy against the God–
ordained family structure is Satan–
But the family- based on hetero–
sexual marriage- will win in the end.
The turning point is drawing closer.
The beauty of God's master plan is
that God will allow things to go only
so far before He sends Jesus Christ
back to stop the monstrous attempts
of man to create a brave new world
where everyone grows up in a g<:JVern–
ment dormitory.
Atan early point in world history,
God intervened to stop human plan–
ners from bringing to fruition their
own grandiose schemes. This was
at the Tower of Babel (Genesis
God will do it again. He will not
allow His cherished institution–
created by Him to teach man about
the God-plane relationship-to dis–
appear from human society.
can prove
tence. Many scientific minds say
it cannot be proveo. And, among
the different religions, there are
as many concepts of God as
there are sects. Yet no question
remains more fundamental than
" Does God exist?"
Here, at last, are seven specific
proofs of God' s existence.
Discover, who God is, how lile
originated and why the evolution–
ary theory is in serious error.
The free booklet Does God
Exist? is your starting point
toward a proper relationship with
your Creator. Use the reply card
in this issue to request your copy
today or write to The Plsin Truth
office nearest you.