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created for him, named Eve, were
humanity' s first parents. This
world is the human family that
sprang from them. Decisions and
actions by our first parents were
the CAUSES that have brought the
world to its present state.
Part one of this series revealed
origins that led to their human cre–
ation. Of all the religions in this
world, none understands who and
what God the Creator actually is.
How shameful, when God reveals
himself in the Scriptures that have
been available to man since the
days of Moses- and even before,
by direct personal revelation.
God is neither one single super–
natural Person nor a Trinity. In
John 1:1-5, 14, God is revealed as a
divine FAMILY, originating with two
Persons- the "WORD" who later
became Jesus Christ, and God,
who, upon Jesus' birth, became the
Father. Genesis 1: 1 speaks of God
as the origin of all, and creator of
all. There, the English name God is
translated from the Hebrew
him- a
plural, meaning more than
one person- that is, God and the
Part one revealed God's PURPOSE
to be the reproduction of the Goo
FAMILY through humans. God
creates by dual stages. First he
created the human family, out of
which by spiritual reproduction
shall be created the Goo FAMILY.
Bear in mind these basic truths:
Two cannot walk together except
they be agreed. Neither can two or
more proceed in harmony and
peace except one leads. God and
the Word, both immortal, com–
posed of spirit, had always lived the
of outflowing LOVE, with God
supreme head. Their way of life–
outflowing love, cooperation, har–
mony- constituted a LAW, the
LAW OF Goo. It is a spiritual law.
With God as supreme head and
ruler, it became a GOVERNMENT
over all they created.
First of all God created angels.
Next God created the material uní–
verse, including the earth. On the
earth was set a THRONE. On that
throne God placed the super arch–
angel Lucifer, a cherub, to adminis–
ter the GOVERNMENT OF Goo over
earth's inhabitants. A third of the
angels were placed on the earth.
Lucifer had been created with daz-
zling beauty. This went to his head
and he became vain, self-centered,
hostile to God's LA
as a way of
life. He Iater sought to overthrow
the throne of God in heaven but
was cast back down to earth. His
way of life, VANITY, self-glory,
competition, HOSTILITY, self-cen–
teredness, every person doing his
own thing, became the basic LA
administered over the earth.
Next, God created MAN in God's
own image- form and shape. Man
was mortal like animals, but differ–
ing as to form and shape, and in
MINO. To human brain was added
human spirit, empowering human
brain with intellect, tbus making
possible a relationship between
man and God.
In all this world's Iearning and
recorded knowledge the one most
basic and all-important dimension
has been missing. That great super–
colossal, yet unknown TRUTH, is the
one supreme PURPOSE of the great
Creator God, and his master plan
for working out that overall PUR–
This supreme duality of knowl–
edge is 1) God purposes to REPRO–
DUCE HIMSELF through mankind
created from the dust of the ground
of the earth and 2) his MASTER
PLAN of 7,000 years for its accom–
Neither the grand and glorious
its supreme achievement, are
known, understood or taught by
any religion. They are totally
unknown to modern science. They
are neither known nor taught by
education or any university of high–
er learning.
This is REVEALED know ledge,
and its revelation is contained in
the world's most widely distrib–
uted, best-selling book. Yet that
book is the most totally misunder–
stood, most distorted, falsely inter–
preted, misrepresented of books.
That book is an enigma.
is a
coded book, and the one instrument
of decoding into plain and simple
the very tree of
life that the father of all humani–
ty- Adam- rejected; and that is
today opened ONLY to those called
and drawn by God to come to him
through Jesus Christ-those called
to be the one true original Church
of God. Without the indwelling of
God's Holy Spirit none can under–
stand that book.
is to repro–
duce himself through man- repro–
duce the Goo FAMILY from the
human family.
is vital to bear in
mind that God is perfect spiritual
CHARACTER. Character is ability to
choose the true values from the
false , right from wrong, and to
WILL todo the right-even against
sel f-desire.
The first man Adam had only
temporary animal existence. To
become begotten and then born
into the Goo family, he first, with
human mind, had to make that
choice-develop with God's help
that godly CHARACTER.
Adam did not possess eterna!
life. But it was offered to him
through the symbolic "tree of LIFE"
in the garden of Eden.
Lucifer, now named Satan
because of sin, deceived Eve into
taking the forbidden symbolic fruit ·
of the tree of knowledge of good
and evil.
The first human, Adam, took
the production of knowl–
edge of good and evil.
n this episode, revealed in Gen–
esis 3, man and his human family,
potentially God's children, were
kidnapped- became the property
of Satan. They chose Satan's
Av- sel f-centeredness- instead
of God's will. They chose the law of
Satan instead of the spiritual law of
God. Sin is the transgression of
Goo's law.
Thus the first human parent of
the human family rejected the
GOVERNMENT OF Goo. In choosing
the forbidden tree, he yielded to
the basic law of Satan's government
over the earth. Adam and Eve
were, in real fact, kidnapped by
Satan into his way of life. They
chose to follow the way of life of
the kidnapper.
Adam could have qualified to
on earth. Jnstead, he and his human
family- this world- have to this
very day been HELD CAPTIVE by
Satan, who still sits on earth's
Out of Adam and Eve developed
human civilization. Had Adam cho–
sen the tree of LIFE, he would have
been brought into direct relation-
(Continued on page 39)