Herbert W. Armstrong
World violence heats up.
Few realize it's a world held captive, deceived into
loving the way of the archkidnapper, but with deliverance and freedom imminent.
United States
Pres iden t talks of
Armageddon. The
a tomic sc ien ti s t s
warn of doomsday. They
have set the doomsday clock
one more minute forward–
from four to only three min–
utes to midnight!
The angry crescendo of world
violence heats up furiously, as
t he archkidna pper, in a rage,
perceives the fast-approaching
of the captivity.
De l iverance from kidnap in
deception, human discontent , suf–
fering and death hastens dai ly near–
er. World PEACE, happiness and joy
are just around the corner. The
satanic kidnapper is stirred to
fu rious wrath, for he knows now he
has but a very short time left to
hold a whole world captive.
Setting the Master Plan
People do not enjoy being told they
are deceived. Though it wou nds
human vanity, being told that one
is ignorant of the knowledge of t he
t ruth is less painful than suffering
the results of the deception.
We all a re members of the
human family. W e need to be
awakened to t he fact that this
human fami ly was, and still is, the
potential family of the living God.
Yet this family was kid napped at
its very inception, and has
remained willingly held captive for
6,000 years to this very day.
Bu t remember, one who is
deceived would not be deceived if
he were aware of t he deception.
The potential Father of the kid–
napped fami ly has paid the ransom
price to free t his world held cap–
tive, but humanity has loved the
way of life of the kidnapper. T hat
AY is the root CAUSE of all the
world's troubles, evils and suffer–
ings. Humanity has been blinded to
the wAY of peace, happiness and
joyful accomplishment.
Since writing part one of this
series, world violence and agonies
have been heating up . Wit h
increasing momentum. We are
being violen tly hurled into the
world cr isis at the END OF THIS
You need tO UNDERSTAND what
is prophesied soon to happen-and
WHY! You were born into the pano–
rama of world events that started
6,000 years ago. A divine PURPOSE
is being worked out here below.
The catastrophic archkidnapping of
6,000 years ago shall not prevent
the working out of that supreme
PURPOSE. An optimist turns the
Jemons thrown at him into lem–
onade. The supreme Creator Goo
is turning the evil of the kidnap–
ping into the supreme GLORY of
ALL eternity!
Six thousand years ago, God set
his MASTER PLAN of 7,000 years,
for the accompl ishment of the most
False scholarly hypotheses not–
withstanding, this world had its ori–
gin in the creation of one man,
named Adam. He and tbe wife God