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later prophecy about the same
future time, Isaiah had this to say
about the Mideast:
" In that day t here will be a
highway from Egypt to Assyria,
a nd the Assyri an [ restored to
their land in l raq] will come into
Egypt, and the Egyptian into
Assyria, and the Egyptians wi ll
worship wi th the Assyrians" (Isa.
19:23, RSV).
No jealousy between nations;
uninhibited travel across national
borders between former enemies;
even worship of the true God
together. Sounds like a greater
mi racle than the crossing of the
Red Sea dry-shod.
And it will
The late U.S. President John F.
Kennedy fired the imagination of
nearly every West Berliner with his
"/eh bin ein Berliner"
speech in
June of 1963. In concluding that
speech, perhaps without realizing
it. he was effectively speaking of
the day of God coming in the near
fu ture.
President Kennedy said: "So Jet
me ask you ... to lift your eyes
beyond the dangers of today to
the hopes of tomorrow, beyond
the freedom merely of this city of
Berlin, in your country of Germa–
ny, to the advance of freedom
everywhere, beyond you rselves
and ou rselves to all mankind.
Freedom is indivisible, a nd when
one man is enslaved all are not
free. When all are free, then we
can look forward to that day when
this city will be joined as one, and
this country and this great conti–
nent of Europe, in a peaceful and
hopeful globe."
That day is coming. o
War, famine, family breakups-human suffering continues
to spiral! Why is there seemingly no solution?
The solution, happily, is known. Our free booklet
The Ten
reveals the solid foundation
for world peace and successful living. You
can apply and benefit from it! For your
copy mail the request card in this issue
or, if there is none, write to our office
nearest you.
(Continued from page· 9)
people of Judah had to learn from
the captivity was that when they
obeyed and pleased God, God
blessed them. They prospered.
They had good health , a sound
economy. God protected thern
against their enemies. When they
disobeyed they had problems. So
obedience is not a burden- it
brings God's pleasure and his bless–
The Jews returning from Baby–
lonian captivity began to forsake
God- falling back into disobedi–
ence as the people had befare the
capt ivity. So Malachi wrote,
speaking for God: " 'Will a rnan
rob God? Yet you rob me. But
you ask, " How do we rob you?"
In tithes and offerings. You are
under a curse-the whole nation
of you- because you are robbing
me. Bring the whole tithe into the
storehouse, that there may be food
in my house. Test me in this,' says
the Lord Almighty, 'and see if I
wi ll not throw open the Aoodgates
of heaven a nd pour out so much
blessing that you will not have
room enough for it' " (Mal. 3:8-
Tithing was never meant to be a
burden .
Frankly, taxation can be.
But the government where you
live will insist you pay taxes. And
while you may not always cheerful–
ly do so, it
an obligation you have
for living in your country.
And tithing?
is the key to successful finan–
cia] management.
The world economy is not going
to get better. But
you want to
ensure yourself of the best possible
condit ions in very uncertain times,
you need to learn to manage your
finances based on God's princi–
We have two free booklets to
assist you in this important aspect
of life. One is- entitled
Ending Your
Financia/ Worries.
The other is
Managing Your Personal Fi–
Why not write for them
right away?
You will find how sound finan–
cia! management based on God's
laws will help you for many years
to come. o