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cumulative effect
from all these
negative forces from without. A
city's resistance can be gradually
worn down over a period of many
years. Comments Gordon Craig:
"Whether [West] Berlín can sur–
vive indefinitely in its present riven
state is a question that no one can
answer with any assurance"
page 262).
The only really satisfactory solu–
tion is, of course, reunion with East
Berlín. But in this present age this
can only occur if East and West
Germany are reunited.
The Sharp Contrasts of East Berlin
Much progress has been made in
the Eastern sector of Berlín since
World War
There are now few
grim reminders of a war-wrecked
and devastated city. Many modern
buildings, especially of the large
apartment variety, have been con–
structed throughout East Berlín.
The similarity between East and
West seems to end there. By com–
parison, the edifices of East Berlín
are stark, Spartan and spare. An
enforced monetary economy is all
too obvious. There is a drabness of
color with few of the frills that
make enlightened architecture so
very attractive.
But give East Berliners their
due. One finds a dedication to duty,
a spirit of discipline and a measure
of moral values that are somewhat
missing in the Western sector.
East and West Berlín (and indeed
East and West Germany) are ever
reunited, one should not assume
that the lion's share of the leader–
ship will come from the West. We
may be surprised.
Visitors who take the separate
coach tours of both East and West
Berlín cannot help but notice the
remarkable difference in approach
between the tour leaders. The
Eastern tour leader was not only
determined to give us a colorful
and comprehensive description of
significant sites, but an informa–
tive lecture on ideology as wcll.
Berlín is a city divided by more
than a physical wall.
The Berlín Wall
No article about Berlín should omit
mention of the wall. l was stunned
by gross and tasteless graffiti on
the wall's Western side. This was
May 1984
no advertisement of proper West–
ero values.
The Berlín Wall is built of
large concrete slabs "graced" witb
the usual barbed wire. The wall
separating East from West Berlín
is 28 miles in length; the wall
separating East Germany from
West Berlín is 72 miles long,
makjng a 100-mile demarcation
line around the Western sector of
the city. G.D.R.
troops diligently guard
the wall from observa–
tion turrets and one
can traverse the two
cities only at official
crossing points like
C heckpoint C harlie.
The Brand en bu rg
Gate has been closed
for a long time.
Fortunately, travel
between East and West
Berlín is easier these
days. And considerable
efforts are being made
to ease tensions be–
tween the two cities. One thing is
certain . Humans should not be
divided either by a symbol ic cur–
tain of iron or an actual curtain of
Believe it or not, the Berlín
Wall, like the ancient walls of Jer–
icho, has a limited life. The even–
tual outcome is sure. The Berljn
Wall- like all such walls, sym–
bolic of a divided humanity- will
come down. But whereas
that may be ach ieved
through human effort, it
will take divine interven–
tion in this world's
affairs before al l peoples
everywhere learn to solve
their differences peace–
Bible prophecy is clear.
Nations will learn to gel
on together. For example,
notice Isaiah's prophecy
about the transformation
of human nature among
the descendants of the
sons of the ancient J acob
or Israel: "The jealousy of Ephra–
im [half brother of Judah, the
father of the Jews] shall de–
part ... Ephraim shall not be jeal–
ous of Judah, and Judah shall not
harass Ephraim" (lsa. 11:13,
Revised Standard Version). In a
Young pioneers on tbe 20tb
anniversary of tbe Berlin Wall. Map
of tbe capital of tbe G.D.R. A
series of graphics; one in foreground
warns East Berliners of need to set
uprigbt and unplug electric iron
after use. A government market.