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You would be shocked to learn what
being done right now to destroy the farnily unit.
vou aware lhat the fami ly
s under deliberate assault
by sorne of the highest and
most influential elcments of our
Are you aware of the role of
govcrnment in the steady, sustained
attack on the family as we have
traditionally known it?
T hc assault on thc family is delib–
erate. The a ttack is not an accident.
is held together by a whole body of
prejudiccs. These prejudices reftect
an animosity toward thc laws of
They emphasize sexual license
ovcr God-given restraints. Sexual
equality over God-givcn distinc–
tions and roles. Family "democracy"
ovcr the parental authority which
God created. And alternatives
May 1980
Jeff Calkins
to the nuclear family as God or–
dained it.
Four Crucial Areas
Of recent date, these prejudices have
reared their head in four crucial
arcas. First, sorne social activists and
commentators are proposing a new
definition of the family-a definition
that would allow for all sorts of
permissiveness and sexual license.
Second, the same kind of people are
pushing the idea that human civil
government- not parents- should
have the responsibility for children.
Third, in the legal arena, there is a
concerted movement to downgrade
the family unit, and in particular, to
give children legal rights
their parents.
Finally, there is an effort on the
part of officials high in governments
to push antifamily prosexual license
The New Permisslve Definitlon
of the Famlly
An inftuential element of society–
mostly intellectuals and feminists–
are pushing an idea of family that
includes almost any form of cohabi–
Lois A. Lund, dean of tbe College
of Human Ecology at Michigan
State University, offers tbis new def–
inition of the family:
"Two or more persons wbo sbare
resources, share responsibilities for
decisions, share values and goals and
have commitment to one another
over time."
And Betty Friedan, the arch-femi-