parts of the north" (38:6,
This is a clear reference to the
branch of Togarmah.
But what of Southeast Asia?
The modern-day nations of this
region are of the southern Mongoloid
racial group. These nations are pri–
marily Japhetic in descent. Here
communism has aiready deeply pene–
Vietnam is already a communist
nation in the Soviet fold. After
sorne two decades of fighting, the
American-backed government of
South Vietnam surrendered to So–
viet-supported North Vietnamese
forces in the spring of 1975. Within
days the communist conquest of
South Vietnam was effectively com–
pleted. Vietnam was officially re–
united as a communist state in July
Sorne 40,000 Viet troops assure
complete control of neighboring
Laos. Nearby Canibodia (Kampu–
chea) is also dominated by Vietnam
Continuing Vietnamese military
activity within Cambodia poses a
potential threat to the security of
Thailand to the north and west.
Malaysia also sees a potential mili–
tary menace from expansionist Viet–
nam. Adding to the uncer tainty,
small bands of communist guerrillas
continue to roam the Thai-Malaysia
border area.
In Burma, a militarily active com–
munist party is challenging the
socialist government of General Ne
Win. Insurgent uprisings among the
country's ethnic minorities add to the
instability in that nation.
In Indonesia and the Philippines,
communist insurgency has occasion–
ally assailed the authority of the
central governments. But communist
opposition in those nations now
appears to be on the back burner–
for the time being.
Most of Southeast Asia will un–
doubtedly find it difficult to with–
stand incessant communist pressure.
Ultimately, the region will be forced
into cooperating with the Soviet
Union and her allies.
" 1Am Against Youl"
As we have seen, the coming Eura–
sian confederacy will devastate much
of Western Europe. After Christ
decimates the armies of all nations
gathered at Armageddon, Gog will
assemble a large army from among
his remaining Eurasian forces. That
army will attempt to impose its ide–
ology on a restored Israel. But it will
not succeed!
" Behold, 1 am against you, O
Gog!" God declares (Ezekiel 38:3).
The fate of his armies is vividly
portrayed: "You shall fall on the
mountains of Israel, you and all your
troops, and the peoples who are with
you; 1 shall give you as food to every
kind of predatory bird and beast of
the field" (Ezekiel 39:4,
The people of Israel will labor seven
months burying the millions of Gog's
dead (39:12).
The survivors will know that God
The demise of Gog and his allies
will furnish a powerful witness to the
nations of the world. "And 1 shall set
My glory among the nations; and all
the nations will see My judgment
which 1 have executed," God de–
clares (39:21).
The people of Israel will utterly
destroy the weapons carried by Gog's
army (39:9-1 0). With the power of
Gog irretrievably broken, the nations
of the world will at last submit to the
Government of God. After 6000
years of war and international strife,
worldwide peace and prosperity will
finally become reality. "And they
shall · beat their swords into plow–
shares, and their spears into prun–
inghooks: nation shall not lift up
sword against nation, neither shall
they learn war any more" (Micah
4:3; Isaiah 2:4). o
First t ake a look at the facts:
1. Nuclear weaponry bran–
dlshed even by small
unstable nations.
2 .
Tempers grow short; rea–
son glves way to desper–
atlon In international
Economic strangulation ,
perhaps total collapse.
4. Shrinking resources–
too llttle food, oil, fertil–
izar, etc.
World population dou–
bling in
years-14 bil–
lion people on the planet
Nobody likes bad news. But
if present trends continua,
mankind is headed for grave
danger. World leaders are
alarmad. Terms like "Arma–
geddon" and "Apocalypse"
are commonly used. ls dooms–
day at our door?
The handwriting is on the wall,
but there is an alternative to
global holocaust.
For the surprising answer,
write for our free booklet. lt's
titled, Are We Living in the Last
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Pasadena. CA 91123.