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people thc truth about lhe
kept ending up in despair.
1 am a new reader of your
easy to understand.
cause of
Then one day 1 carne across .
magazine and 1 find myself
homosexuality and lhat
an issuc of
The Plain Truth .
1 benefited by the articles. 1 was
Santa Cruz, Manila
availablt: to those
picked ít up and began
surprised the magazine has no
From Prison
who hones tly want it.
reading it. 1 went from page
subscription price, which
1 was homosexual until 1
one to the last page without
makes me wonder how the
1 am writing
inform you
was 27 whcn someone taught
act ually realizing it. As soon
publishcr can support the
that 1 will be released from
me what God's Word says
a<. 1 linishcd rcading, a feeling
publication of more than six
prison. Will you picase cease
aboul homosexuality and thal
carne over me, not a feeling of and onc half mi ll ion copies
send your wonderful
1 could escape it. Now 1 am
1 had finall y found something
circulated all over the world.
lhis address from
40 and have been married for
of inlerest. but instead a
Romeo Magwili
that date. However. 1 would
nearly six years. 1 know by
feeling of lherc must be
Tanay, Rizal, Philippines
be very grateful to you if you
personal expcricnce- and as a
something more than mere
• lt is explained on the
would send it instead to my
' witncss
thc lives of others
words in this magazine.
inside front cover.
home address. The contents of
with whom 1 have
a feeling of wanting something
your magazine have such a
worked- that a person
more. of understanding, of
Correspondence Course
varicty of reading and have
change through a knowledge
searching my inner self for the
1 have read the
givcn me many hours of
of God's Word and lhc power
answers. With help from
November/ December issue of
comfort and pleasure which as
of thc Holy Spirit.
Plain Truth
1 found this
The Plain Truth.
1 am not a
you can imagine is very
My book,
The Hope of
opened my mind
Christian, and have never read
welcome in a place like this.
G/ory (In Search of the
to a different world, a
lhe Bible, but 1 like the way
W. Black
Light)- publishcd nearly five
different me, and most of all
of your magazine, therefore, 1
H.M. Prison
ago-has changed
to God's lovc for me.
would like to enroll in the
Aberdeen, Scotland
thousands of lives and helped
Lyle Bedard
Correspondence Course.
Nuclear Weapons
bring deliverance to many
Brossard, Quebec
Mai Van Tung
Windsor, Ontario
1 am now fully convinced
May God continue to
1 am a subscriber to
that lhe only way for mankind
inspire you in making known
Plain Truth
and 1 enjoyed it
Other La nd of the Free
survive on this planet earth
the truth
those caught up
so much that 1 asked
l'd like to congralulale John is to follow God's way of life,
in the confusion and
Student Services Department
Halford and Leon Sexton for
which you have summarized
of homosexuality.
of John Abbot College to be
their excellenl article entitled
with one word-GtVE--oul-
on your mailing list. Students
"The Other Land of the Free" nowing love, cooperation,
St. Harys. Ohio
come in lhe recepl ion arca and in the July-August 1983 issue.
serving, sharing, but not
while wait ing to see
1 thought both aulhor!> really
compet ition, jealousy and
New Readers
counsellors and academic
discovcred the central core of
cnvy. strife and violence.
1 picked up a free copy of
advisers read the monthly
Thailand sincc they described
The survival of lhe
your magazine last January
issue of
The Plain Trwh.
very well the full. yet concise
magazine, without
and havc been a subscriber
J. Gautbier
and up-to-dale story aboul our subscription price. adverlising
ever since.
King and Queen which we
revenue or request of the
Never before has a religious
couldn't find in other foreign
public for contribulions or
magazine been so interesting
The first time 1 saw the
magazines. The conlent of lhe
financia! help, is an
to me. Questions that have
article is not at all beyond lhe
outstanding live example of
always bcen in the back of my
Plain Truth
magazine 1 rcad
trulh, especially for the Thai
God's way of life.
mind are slowly starling to
the front cover and then
readers. English is my third
1f only everybody would
have answers. Sorne of the
ignored the resl of lhe
language and hence l can
give up their self-centered way
truths are hard to face after
magazine even though it said
never. explain enough in
and follow God's way of life,
bcing brought up on a watered it was free. After seeing it
English when 1 was asked
our world would be a much,
down version of Chrislianity.
many more times in downtown again and again about the
much better place to live in.
Shirley Kimpson
St. Louis while 1 was going
Royal Family. 1 takc this
(Peter) Ong Chuan Heng
Corning, lowa
eal lunch 1 finally
opportunily to distribulc
decided to pick up a copy and
Plaín Truth
ls a New Dark Age Coming?
1 was impressed wilh your
read it. From that day on 1
who have questioned me.
TV program on channel 9
becamc a regular subscriber to lndeed. Thais are more than
After rcading your very
Brisbane and am wriling to
your magazine.
fortunate to have such a
informative and interesting
rcceivc a copy of
The Plain
1 havc read in other sources
dedicated Royal Family.
article " ls a New Dark Age
Truth .
After reading this
about the way of GtVE and
Amorn Leelarasame. M.D.
Coming?" 1 was appalled with
myself 1 will pul it in our
1 have not come across
humanity. 1 have always felt
company's cmployces' lunch
many organizations, religious
New Soutb Wales
lhat if it weren't for God
room where it will be read by
or otherwise, that practice the
Subscription Re newal
Almighty we would
about 20 employees.
wi ll be
way of GIVE. lt carne
extermina te oursclves.
a refreshing change from lhe
find out that a
lt's good news that we can
But there is always hope.
disgusling literaturc they are
magazine with a circulalion as
avail ourselves of another
faith and his merciful
now feasting upon.
large as yours was praclicing
year's free subscription to the
disposition that will keep us
W.S. Lawes
the way of GIVE for as long as
Plain Truth
atloat during these hard and
Brisbane, Queensland
you havc even with the cost of
We, lhe slaff of Swan
trying times. Hats off again to
everything rising as rapidly as
lnsurance Brokers. enjoy
you and your very competen!
For many years 1 have
it has bcen.
reading it during our lunch
searched for a magazine lhat
J ohn
time and free time.
Veronica McPherson
could hold my interesl and
St. Louis, Missouri
We find it very interesting,
Baltimore, Maryland
Aprll 1984