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Europe a nd the Church
now that your picture is in
When we discuss the morals support payments, quitting his
The series of articles, "The
caught my eye and is
of the married women and the
jobs to avoid wage
History of Europe and the
a great improvement.
single women that commit
garnishment , leaving the state
Church," is the most concise
Bruce A. Bremer
murder by abortion, we are
or refusing to help with the
and interesting 1 have ever had
Richfield, Minnesota
unable to understand how they discipline and cor.rection of his
the pleasure to read. May 1
Child ren of Dívo rc e
could end this life developing
children-to attempt to create
make a suggestion? When the
within their bodies. As it takes as much troublc possible for
series is finished, combine all
Thank you for publishing
life to reproduce life, cannot
his ex-wife.
articles into one book.
the article "Children of
they see that they are
1 realize the problem that
be wonderful for any student of Divorce." My view of couples
breaking God's
divorced fathers face, and that
in the United States is gained
Commandments? One wonders they want to start a "new"
Edgar W. l>orey
through what l'm able to read
how they can five with
life. But. no matter in what
Jacksonville, Florida
and hear. Not through
themselves after committing
d irection this retaliatory
personal experience.
this act of murder of the flesh
jousting is directed, the result
Our Cover
Dissolving a marriage, after
of their flesh.
is the cutting off of the
Regarding the caption "Our
there are children, is an act of
T bere are so many couples
children from their fathers.
total irresponsibility and lack
in this world that are unable
The children become resentful
Cover" for the February 1984
of love for the children. lt's
to produce offspring that
towards their fathers for being
anniversary issue, you should
easy to say the words 1 love
wou ld gladly adopt these
"lovers of themselves. " Tbe
have said
The Plain Truth
was not printed for two
you. lt's the responsible
babies and give them the !ove
fathers fail to support their
person who makes those words
they need to grow on. What
children- monelarily or
calendar years. The caption
become true, and real. Maybe
will be their reaction in the
otherwise- and show their
writer seemed to assume the
volume number for 1984
one day, people will wise up.
World Tomorrow when their
children that they are "lovers
should have been 50, but as
Larry Hume
minds are opened to God's
of money." ls it any wonder
you en ter your 51st year it
Lansing, Kansas
Holy Spirit, and they finally
that these kids grow up to be
realize what they have done to
"disobedient to parents,
should have been 5·1 (whereas
1 have just finished reading
their children?
unthankful, unholy" ?
it is volume 49 for 1984).
for the second time the article
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Manley
l'm glad that Mr. Taylor
Luren Dicki nson
Altadena, California
by Dan C. Taylor, "Children
Bonanza, Oregon
pointed out the biblical
of Divorce." This article really
responsibility of divorced
We apologize for the slip.
reached home wilh my wife
1 would like lo comment on
fatbers: "But if anyone does
The magazine was not
and myself. We have been
Dan C. Taylor's article
not provide for his own, and
published in either /936 or
foster parents for most of the
"Children of Divorce."
especially for lhose of his
time since 1955. We have
l'm a slepfather of two
household fhis flesh and
opened our hearts to these
teenagers. And ! 've seen the
blood], he has denied thc faith
childrcn and have given them
resentment, bitterness and
and is worse than an
l was really impressed wilh
the love that they needed so
disappointment that kids feel
unbeliever" ( 1 Tim. 5:8).
your article "Smoking, ll's
much. We have had well over
because their father refuses to
Obviously, Paul had to deal
More than Justa Habit. "
125 come into our home.
fulfill his role as a father.
with divorce in the New
Your magaz ine is a unique
We have had children from
1 realize a divorced father
Testament Church a nd
one which is very informative
divorced families, unwed
may feel resentful because he
directed this admonition to the
on thc past and loday's news.
mothers , pre-school gi rls that
may have had lo give up not
mcn- the fathcrs. This plainly
So picase don ' t miss to dÍscuss
havc becn sexually assaultcd.
only his house. furnitu re, and
shows thc rcsponsibility of a
more about the topic of
To see tbese small children to
car and pay any remaining
Christian father.
smoking in other
whom the events are not
bilis, he had to give up his
Proverbs 30: 11-17 shows
Elsie V. Balanay
understood come into one''s
that thcrc is coming a time
!locos Nor te, Philippines
homc is heartrcnding to say
realize a divorced father
when an cntire generation of
thc lcast. We have always
has few rights in the
childrcn are going to be
Pe rs o nal
welcomed them with love lmd
decision-making on the
destroyed. And we as
1 espccially appreciated the
kisses. To see the looks on
education or upbringing of his
fathcrs-divorced or
"Personal" from Herbert W.
thcir little faces breaks us up.
children. He is restricted lo
otherwise- should do our best
Armstrong, "Chr istianity ls a
Sorne of thcse childrcn are
when he can visit his children,
to ensurc our childrcn are not
Growth Process."
sent back to their mothers,
how long, where he can or
among them!
Ma rc L'Oiive
even the ones that have been
cannot take them, who or
Dean Hardester
Vacoas, Maur itius
sexually violated. to an
what they can see, hcar, say
Oregon City, Oregon
environment that will and does and so on.
Ho mosexua líty
1 would like to comment on
bring back the rnemories that
1 realize that a divorced
how much more attractive and
these children should not have
little recourse but
1 tbank God your ministry
alive your Personal page is
to live with.
to retaliate by cutting off child is standing up and telling