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Will It Save Humanity?
Michael A. Snyder
Today, more than ever, this world sorely needs
equitable global government. But how will it be established?
almost 40 years
ago. A war-weary and
emo.tionally drained
world in 1945 looked forward
to a real respite from war.
And to many,
seemed pos–
The leaders of the three great
world powers- the United States,
the United Kingdom and the Soviet
Union- seemed to be cooperating
and working together to
heal the war-torn lands of
Europe, Asia and North
The U.N. ls Born
Hopes for lasting peace
soared with the establish–
ment of the United Na–
tions shortly after the close
of the second global con–
Aict. The founders of that
institution even tacitly
embraced one biblical
prophecy as its motto:
was formed, who would have
believed that in the decades follow–
ing its establishment, thousands
would perish in Asían, African and
South American conflicts? That
nuclear war would only narrowly be
averted in the early 1960s? That an
unexpected bloc of nations, known
today as the Less Developed Coun–
tries (LDC), would regularly be
unable to repay their debts?
Today, the problem of govern–
ment remains. Pick any continent
the U.N.'s avowed motto described
in lsaiah 2:4, humanity now faces
t he opposite condition, foretold in
Joel 3:10: " Beat your plowshares
and your pruning–
hooks into spears: let the weak
[Third World nations] say,
Through the terrifying prolifera–
tion of nuclear weapons, the
approach ing ful fillment of these
words is upon us!
Look first at what humanity
" They shall beat their
swords into plowshares,
and their spears into prun–
inghooks: nation shall not
lift up sword against
nation, neither shall they
learn war any more" ( l sa.
Originally an institution of great promise, the United Nations has slid to little more than a
forum for grievances. Right, a young Andrei Gromyko, then Soviet Ambassador to the
United States, signs the United Nations charter June 28, 1945.
But sadly, the great
international experiment in world
government became littl e more
than a forum to hear grievances and
propaganda. At the time the U.N.
April 1984
and you '11 find aristocracies, com–
munist societies, democracies, dic–
tatorships, monarchies, social ist
societies and theocracies. l nstead of
do! This century has seen much of
humanity enjoy a life-style our
ancestors wou Id ha
impossible. Today, it's taken for