lining down through the
provinccs to the cities
a nd counties.
In a s tartling develop–
ment in May 1982, the
number of Vice-Premiers
was slashed from 13 to
Overall, the team of
Zhao Ziyang and Deng
X iaoping, h is mento r ,
have cooperated to bring
these changes about.
Each man, apparently,
has his role to play and
specific area of responsi–
bility .
dent Ronald Reagan's scheduled
return trip· to China in April.
At his s tops in Was hington,
New York and San Francisco–
especially in his top-level talks in
the capital- the Premier empha–
sized the issues of trade and
For the time beiog, irritations
with the Reagan ad mi nistration
have been placed on hold. Before
he left Peking, for example, Zhao
told a press conference that China
would not press for new conces–
sions on the Taiwan issue beyond
the 1982 agreement to gradually
diminish U.S. arms sales to the
In Washington, Zhao said Chi–
na wanted to " blaze a
new trai 1 and bu i Id
socialism with Chinese
characteristics." H e said
China had an increasi ng
demand fo r manufac–
tured goods and needed
to exploit energy re–
so urce s and dc velop
communications a nd
" 1n all these endeav–
ors, massive capital and
advanced technology are
required," he said , add–
ing that while rel yi ng on
its own efforts, China
wou ld actively seek for–
eign aid and trade.
As a result, a numbcr
of agreements between
th e U nited States and
China in the spheres of
trade and i nvestmcnts
are expected soon.
America' s lnterest
"The business of Ame ri–
ca is business," the late
U .S. Pres iden t Calvin
ool idge o nce
marked .
" Deng may supply the
poi i ti cal mu scle and
others sorne of the ideas,"
says a Chi nese political
scientis t, "but Zhao is the
man who has to get things
done. Either industrial
production goes up, or it
does not. Either tbe har–
vest is better, or it is no
Either science and tech–
nology advance, or they
China 's new strides in agricultura! output are fostered by
diligent hand labor and an expanding free market for
family home gardens.
do not. And , whatever the
unde rlying reason may
be, it is Zhao who answers."
For a while , a ftcr
another President, Rich–
ard Nixon, broke the ice
Tapping Western Resources
Further ad vances in China's
industrial sector necessitates gai n–
ing g reater access to the scientific
and technological expertise of the
Western world.
Unlike China's leaders in the
past. Premier Zhao has traveled
extensively outside his native land.
In January of this year he became
the highest ranking official from
the People's Republic to visit the
United States. His visit took place
three months in advance of Presi-
with the People's Rcpub–
lic with his visit there in 1972, and
after formal relations between the
two powers were established in
1979, the United States talked a
great deal about "playing the China
card " - leveraging relations with
China agains t the Soviet Union .
(Continued on page 41 )