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thus?-and for what PURPOSE?" And can he instruct
his Maker? Should he not, rather, open his mind, and
listen when his Maker reveals to him the very reason
for his being?
The Creator reveals and instructs in a highly coded
Book, the Holy Bible. lts profound message is opened
to human understanding through the presence and
in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit injected into the human
mind that has sur rendered and yielded completely to
the revelation in belief and obedience. To such a one
the TRUTH is made plain- wonderful beyond
The real value of a human life, then, líes solely within
the human spiri t combined with the human brain. It
should be stated at once that this human spi rit is not
perceived by the most highly educated psychologists, yet
it is the very essence of the human MINO.
The Creator's Book reveals, contrary to fallible
humanist teaching, that man was made from the
dust of the ground, and this dust thus becomes soul,
mortal- like all ve rtebrales. Man has continued to
accept the first líe in human history- Satan's líe to
mother Eve that man is immortal and cannot die.
The soul is merely the breathing animal. All
animals are biblically called "souls" in English
translations of the Bible. But there is a human spirit
the human soul.
This human spirit does not impart human life.
Human life, like that of all vertebrates, comes from
blood ci rculation, oxidized by the breath of air. But
God reveals there is a spi r it within every human. This
spi ri t ís not present in animals. The human spirit
empowers the human brain with intellect-with ability
to acquire knowledge, to think, reason, make decisions,
produce altitudes of good or evil.
Human and animal brain are alike. Human mind
superior ity comes not from superior braín, but from the
presence of human spirit within the human brain.
Animal brain is supplied with inst inct, not intellect.
It may seem shockingly strange, because it ís a
dimension in knowledge hitherto untaught, but the real
value of a human life lies solely in the human spirit, as
it works in combination with the human brain.
God formed man of matter, but after his own image
and likeness as to form and shape.
But the brute animal and man have the same breath,
the same sou rce of li fe. They die the same death.
Human life
animal existence, in the form and shape
of God, and with the human spirit added to the brain.
Man was created to have a relationship with his
Maker. Therefore he was made in his Maker's form
and shape, with contact and relationship made possible
by the presence within him of the human spirit.
But man's creation was not completed. He was made
mentally and spiritually only "half there." He needed
the addition of God's Spirit to unite with his spi ri t,
begetting him as a chi ld of God- uniting him with
God- ul timately to be born into the very Goo FAMILY .
Thus immortal life was freely o·ffered Adam. But
he had to make a c hoice. He followed Eve in
obeying Satan instead of God, choosing SELF–
knowledge of good and evi l, rather than God's
revealed knowledge of the right way of life by
choosing the "tree of LIFE."
Thereupon, God closed off the tree of LIFE (God's
Holy Spirit), UNTIL Jesus Christ, the second Adam,
should come and by death pay the human penalty
incurred by sin . Thereupon also God decreed that as
in Adam all humans must die so in Christ the same
al! shall be resurrected to life and to judgment.
Adam had sold out to Satan- had been
"kidnapped." He and his family- the human family
which sprang from him- became Satan's, deceived and
swayed by Satan. Thus mankind grew and developed
the civi lization or pattern of life we call this world.
is not God's wor ld, but Satan's. In due
time- sorne 4,000 years after Adam, Jesus Christ was
born as the second Adam. He carne to pay the ransom
price- his death in payment for the penalty humanity
has incurred through sin. He started an entire NEW
CIVILIZATION- Goo's world through the Church.
Following his death, those humans chosen by God,
called into the Church, upon repentance and faith
received the Holy Spirit the first Adam bad rejected.
Those caJied into God's Church are the "first
fr uits"- the first to be judged, pardoned on repentance
and baptism and begotten (but as yet unborn) children
of God by receiving the Holy Spirit, joined with the
human spirit.
At the Second Coming of Christ in supreme power
as WORLD RULER, replacing Satan on earth's throne,
those begotten with God's Spirit wi ll be resurrected
immor tal and changed instantly from mortal to
immor tal, the dead in Chr ist first, then those still
living. They will rule and teach the mortals still alive
and those born during the next thousand years.
Judgment and oppor tunity for salvation and
immortality will then come to all living humans. After
this millennial judgment, an opportunity for
immortal ity shall cometo al! who had died prior to
Christ's coming.
Now back to ou r original question: "What is the
only real valu e of a human life?"
Human life is animal existence, in form and shape
of God, and with human spirit empowering the brain
with intellect. The human spirit in man makes
possible the union with the Holy Spirit and mind
and immortality of God. When mortal man dies, the
body reverts to dust, and the spiri t returns to God.
T he human spi rit of itself cannot see, hear, thjnk or
know. The only real LIFE, inherent and
self-containing, líes in the Holy Spi ri t of God, united
with the human spirit. The value of a human life líes
in the human spiri t and its potential of being united
with God's Spirit- which is God-mind and God-Jife.
Philosophers think of human worth as of supreme
value in itself alone. They speak of "human dignity."
They speak of the innate "god" powers withln each
human. They advocate SELF-confidence,
self-glor ification. They make mortal man to think of
himself as immortal God.
Much to the contrary, the sole value of human
life lies in the human spirit and the potent ial of
being begotten of God,
(Continued on page 21)