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E decades ago. in thejirst edition
Plain Truth,
could not hove written this
"Personal." 1 did not then hove
the only real va/ue of a human liJe. But
The Plain
was born a magazine
Thankfu lly, as this publication has grown in
circu/ation and influence, we hove grown in knowledge
and understanding a/so.
In rhis 50th anniversary number, it is my hope that
what 1 write here, in my 92nd year, wi/1 help increase
the understanding ofmany ofour millions of readers
in this very troublous time.
!'m sure this personal message wi/1 anger sorne,
hopefully interest many, and bring new understanding
to at /easr a few.
Philosophers, humanists, speak loftily of
human worth as of supreme value in itself.
They speak of the "god" within you-of
tapping the inna te hidden resources within
yourself. They teach SELF- relia nce,
sel f-glori fication.
They are smugly ignorant and unaware of the
and the incredible but real human
Human li fe is at once of infinitesimally less value
February 1984
than they suppose, and at the same time of supremely
greater potential than they know.
Real truth is revealed . Unless revealed it remains a
mystery, utterly unknown to the deceived and vain
intellectuals. Jesus said in prayer,
" 1
thank thee, O
Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast
hid these things from the wise and prudent, and
revealed them unto babes."
What is the real truth concerning human worth?
What is the real value of a human life? It is grossly
overestimated in its own reality, and astoundingly
undervaJued in its supreme potential. The truth indeed
is staggering.
You look upon a sweet, innocent babea few hours
old, or upon a life-fulfilled elderly person of 80 and ask
yourself, "Just how valuable is that life?-one just
beginning, the other aJready spent." Could you supply
the correct answer?
Right here is the point of
difficulty. Right here is the jumping off point where
the world's educated jump the t rack. Science and
advanced education today almost universally assume
nothing exists but matter. They deny the existence of
spirit. Which is to say, whether admitted or not, they
deny the existence of God.
We cometo the modero science of brain research.
We learn that the human brain exercises many
functions impossible in animal brain, yet we learn there
is virtually no significant difference, physically. The
animal cannot think, reason, study, make decisions
apart from instinct.
cannot know what the human
knows. Tt does not have attitudes of judgment, wisdom,
love, kindness, cooperation, nor is it aware of
competition, conspiracy, envy, jealousy, resentment.
has no appreciation of music, art and literature. Yet
science and higher education insist the faculty of
intellect in humans is solely physical.
1 had to
to myself rationally that God exists
and is in fact more
than matter. l had to
that the Holy Bible is in fact the authoritative word of
God, by which he communicates toman, reveaJs truth
otherwise inaccessible toman. And 1 found reveaJed
that is hidden from tbe
self-professed scholarly. 1 found reveaJed the reason for
mounting evils in a progressive world.
Can the human, who has been designed, created and
made, say to his Maker, " WHY did you make me