" The Other La nd of
New Readers
1 star lcd getting your
organizalion which exists lo
the Free"
l t is the very first time 1
magazine in January. At first
further understanding of Islam
Your article is an excellent
know that there is a
1 didn't really look at it unlil 1 in the West.
was founded in
example of the slabil ity of old
free-of-charge magazine which
read your article on " How to
1973. One of its most
world ruJe. King Bhumibol of
is also colorful. Frankly
Rear Happy Children." Since
is the
Thailand proved lo the world
speaking, such a magazine
then 1 have re-looked over my
Universal Jslamic Declaralion
that in the 1980s traditional
costs two portions of food in
back issues of
The Plain
.of Human Rigbts , which was
values can be kept and still
my country.
and found plenty of
proclaimed in Par ís in 1981
used proficiently side by side
As a new subscriber of
other good articles.
before a widely representative
with modern ideals.
Plain Truth.
1 want to ask
Doug Liverance
audience, including many
Loretta Lewis
you for the free booklets
Wiarton, Ontario
international figures. The
Camp Hill, Pennsylva nia
God Exist?, Why Were You
Declaration is based enlirely
Law Enforcement
The Seven Laws of
Having been delighted with
on the Qur'an and the
my first copy of the
Sunnah, and demonstrates a
As the Chief of the
Hadi Subianto
magazine, 1 thought 1
fundamental tenet of Islam by
Training Division of the
Bromo, Malang-Jalim
should simply write in to
pointing out that man's rights
Western Police District, 1
express my appreciation for a
are also his obligations.
would like lo request copies of
1 am a typical teenager ( 17
fine publicalion. The facl that
l ndeed, the basic ditference
your magazines for our WPD
The Plain Truth
can cont inue
between lhis declaration and
years of age) who is involved
lo be circulaled due to
the Uniled Nations'
In line with our moral
in the search for identity. 1
donations by readers-and by
Declaration of Human Rights,
regeneration program, 1
am fascinated with the articles
the grace of
indeed a
and lhe Western perspective
believe this could help as a
you' re publishing in your
wonder in this day. Please
in general, is that whilst the
tool in strengthening the
magazine, especially those
accept this small contribution
latter is what might be called
moral fibers of our policemen
which render practica(
which could hardly cover the
man-conscious, recognizing
in order lo develop them to be
vaJue of the knowledge which
man as the centre of all
"law enforcers with a heart,"
1 am also engrossed by the
The Plain Truth
things, the lslamic perspective
and to improve in their
ideas advocated in the
D. Schroeder
is God-conscious, in that man
performance of their duties.
Ambassador College Bible
East London, South Africa
is beholden to God and must
Virgilio M. Paz
Correspondence Course.
account to Him for all his
P/ Lt. Colonel, lNP
Raul A. Omana
Mani la, Philippines
Pa teros, Metro Manila
1 must put in a good word
Salem Azzam
frorn sorne lslamic friends of
Secretary Genera l
1 wish to congratu'Iate you
Last February my husband
mine, who were spellbound
lslamic Council
on your article " What's Your
died in an encounter with the
with the article in the June
Source of Protection?" in the
New People's Army right in
'83 issue-''Seeing the World
J une issue. and particularly
our muni cipality. He was just
Through Jslamic Eyes." ll was
1 was very impressed with
you r balanced report on the
promoted as officer in charge
the first time they had ever
your article on Islam. Your
gun control issue. This
of the Bansalan police
seen an article written in the
impartial and true picture on
provided a welcome contrast
station here in Bansalan,
Western world with so much
the religion to which 1 belong
to the emotional and biased
Davao del Sur, Mindanao,
honest truth about their
was very understanding, and l
reports 1 have come to expect
Philippines, when the incidenl
religion. Once again you've
do hope many people around
from other publications. 1 am
done a great job!
the world would not get the
only too well aware that legal
Now, 1 am left alone and
Roberta Boswell
wrong impression or blame
controls on firearms adversely
very lonely, most especially
Hamillon, Ontario
lslamic teachings for incidents
atfect only the law-abiding
when the children are aJI out
that take place in violent
to school. There are times
1 have read with interest the climates like l ran.
The crime rate in Western
when 1 cannot hold back my
article on Islam which
Wahid Omardeen
Australia is as high or higher
appeared in the June edition
Gasparillo, Trinidad
than other Australian states
Then one evening, 1 carne
The Plain Truth.
even though gun control laws
across the
Plain Truth
welcome such a fair-minded
1 extend my deepest
are far more stringent here.
magazine. (1 was once a free
approach to a subject in which
appreciation for the lslamic
The only response from
subscriber in 1979-80). Could
interest is growing daily. and
article you printed June 1983.
politicians and police is for
you enter me in your
think that it will do much to
There was· far more fairness
more restrictions upon
subscription to
The Plain
help to create better
than 1 had ever anticipated,
ordinary firearm owners and
again for free?
understanding between people
since it was the first time 1
less upon criminals.
Cesaría E. Arcenas
of ditferent faiths.
had ever taken the opportunity
Kevin Caimanos
Bansalan, Davao del Sur
The lslamic Council is a
to read your magazine. 1
Albany, Australia
non-govern rnental independenl
consider the article " Seeing