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Ttme ls
(Continued from page 6)
of concern for others, to the test.
may sound simplist ic in a world
filled with complicated peace ini–
tiatives a nd selfis h, territorial
claims. But this is t he only real
way to peace in the family, among
neighbors and between nations!
Wbat nation is willing to heed
this message today?
But even if the nations do not
heed the way to peace, world peace
is coming- and it will be imposed
on mankind by the Almighty God
for our own good.
J esus Christ, the second Adam
( 1
Cor. 15:45), unlike the first
Adam , overcame Satan's every
temptation (Matt. 4). He qualified
to become t his earth's ruler. He
promised to return to this earth as
"King of kings, and Lord of lords"
(Rev. 19:
to br ing th is world
peace by restoring t he government
and the laws of God to this earth
(Acts 3: 19-21 ).
When Christ returns he will take
charge, putting down and eliminat–
ing all oppos ition to God and God's
way of life (Rev. 19). Satan will be
then bound for 1,000 years so that
he can't continue deceiving the
world ( Rev . 20:2).
Hate and violence will subside.
Stockpiling and making military
weapons will become a thing of the
past. Wcapons will be converted
into peaceful, productive imple–
mcnts. "Thcy s hall bcat their
swords into plowshares, and their
spears into pruninghooks" ( lsa.
Methods of warfare will no lon–
ger be taught. Says God, "Neithcr
shall thcy learn war any more"
(sarfle verse). l nstead, God's way
of life will be taught from child–
hood. ' 'And he will teach us of his
ways" ( lsa. 2:3). Knowledge about
God and God's way of life will
prevail worldwide. Peace in the
home and among na tions will
What wonderful good news- the
very good news or gospel
means "good news" ) that Jesus
brought nearly 2,000 years ago.
The world has rejected that mes–
sage. We announce that message in
the pages of
The P/ain Truth.
have now read it.
(Continued from page 30)
example, looked like the average
man of his day when he had grown
up. Judas had to point him out by
giving him a kiss. Why would that
be necessary if Jesus had a halo?
Do Sorne Check ing
Such terms as Christmas
("Christ 's mass" or "mass of
Christ"), Noel and Yuletide never
appear in the Bible. T herc is no
record in the New Testament of
thc early Christians celebrating
Christ's birth. They commemo–
ratcd Jesus' death annually in the
ear1y spring as they were com–
manded to do (Luke 22: 19; 1 Cor.
But never his birth.
Even so, the Bible does talk
about what has come to be called
the Christmas tree. The Christmas
tree is not a modero invention. lts
history goes back to distant ant iq–
uity, a few thousands of years
before Jesus' birth. (Write for our
free article "Christmas 2,000 Years
Before Christ.") People were deco–
rating such trees in the prophet
J eremiah's day. l f you want a real
surprise, read what God inspired
Jeremia h to write about the prac–
ticc (Jer. 10: 1-5)!
And if you want to know why
there are all the festivities sur–
rounding December 25, consult the
scction under "Christmas" in any
majar encyclopedia. You will be in
for quite a shock!
lsn' t it high time to read and
believe what the Bible really says,
rather than what most people–
know its origins?
ew people stop lo lhink about why they believe in
Christmas and its customs. How much do you know about
/he origin of Santa Claus-of /he Christmas /ree-of
exchanging gifts? Can you te// if the following statemen/s are
true or fa/se?
T F Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ.
T F The Santa Claus myth is a harmless story for children.
T F The Christmas tree is a fairly recent innovation.
T F Exchanging gifts stems from the wise men's example.
T F Christmas observance , with all its traditions, honors Christ.
How do you think you did? Al/ the statements above are
fa/se. Surprised? Our free booklet
Plain Truth About Christmas
importan! facts you need lo know-and
preterably before December 25. For
a copy, just mail the literature request
card in this issue, or write to our
office nearest you.