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(Continued from page
will break the pridc of your power'
[Lev. 26: 19] . ..
"The United States has stopped
winning wars.... America was un–
able, with all its vas t power, to con–
quer little North Vietnam! T hc
United States is fas t riding to thc
greates t faJI that cver befell any
na tion!" (Write for your free copy
of Mr. Arms trong's book today if
you haven't read it.)
is high time that we under–
stood why the United States no
longer enjoys God 's protection and
"strong arm" in battle, once very
Of America today God exclaims,
"Alas, s inful nation , a people laden
with iniquity. a brood of evildoers,
ch ildren who are corrupters!" ( Jsa.
1:4 , RAV throughout. )
God says of the nation, in verse
5, that "t he whole hcad "- meaning
its gove rning apparatus- "is s ick"
and that "the whole heart"- refer–
rin g to its national soul a nd
morale-"faints.' '
Of American society, God fur–
thcr says, " From the sole of the
foo t even to the head , there is no
soundness in it, but wounds and
bruises and putrefying seres."
Concerning America's low moral
s t a nding, God rcfers, with few
cxceptions, to its leaders and its cit–
izens in explicit terms. " You rulers
of Sodom," God thunders, "you
people of Gomorrah."
Full -length magazine ar ticl es
sympathetic to "homosex u a l
right s" proc laim that a "new
ma turity" is occurrin g in the
nation's homosexual community.
Homosexuals, it is editorial izcd,
are on the verge of " real political
gai ns in the 1980s."
Meanwhile, an unsure public and
its officialdom- even much of the
clergy- afraid of being labeled as
prejudiced , fail to speak out on
practices God clearly condemns as
abominable (Lev. 18:22).
A retired U.S. Congressman
claimed that homosex uals are high
up in government, business, the
professions-even the clergy itself.
" So what?" he commented. "We
are everywhere."
The nation is being leavened with
this and other deplorable sins such as
November / December 1983
pornography, drug addiction and
abortion. Mcanwhile, God says tha t
he is taking away "the mighty man
and the man of war ... t he captain
of fifty and the honorab le
man" ( lsa. 3:2-3}.
People of s tatu re who
could lead the country ou t
of its impending doom are
fas t fading from thc scene.
" O My peop le!' ' God
exclaims. " T hose who lead
you cause you to err, and
destroy the way of your
paths.' '
God' s Warning Apparent
God is dealing with a sin–
ladeo America in a way
that few realizc yet- but
a ll will soon scc clearly
Back again to Central
America, there is st ill
res idual pride in so rne
quarters in the projection
of U .S. po we r . So rne
believe events in Central
America offer the oppor–
tunity to " refight the Viet–
nam War. " The United
States will win this time,
they contend, and in so
doing demo ns tr a t e the
rcsolve which was so lack–
ing in Vietnam.
But God says otherwise.
He says he will break–
once and for all- the pride
in the nation's power.
And in connection with
this, God will bring on
other calamities in order to
teach a sinful nation that it
is going the wrong way.
Note the second half of
Levit icus 26:19 quoted
ear lier: " I will make your
heavens like iron and your
earth like bronze. "
T here is now every
indicat ion th a t the so–
a culture that has gone soft-espe–
cially soft on sin. But God says to
ministcrs, in lsaiah 58: 1:
"Cry aloud , spare not ; lift up you r
called " Big Drought of
1983"-which suddenly
descended upon an other–
At new faciJity in Puerto Castilla, Honduras, U.S.
advisers traio government troops from
wise waterlogged coun–
try- could turn into a
prolonged Dust Bowl - like
s ituation. God, whether Americans
fully see it yet or not, is beginning
to deal with their country in a pro–
found manner.
El Salvador (camouflage uniforms in bottom photo).
Honduran soldiers, top photo, police the base.
Strong words? Maybe to sorne in
voice like a t rumpet; tell My people
their transgression, and the house
of J acob their sins."
It 's time fo r America to
repent-before it 's too late!