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(Continued from page 9)
unforgiving of others' shortcom–
ings. They aren't willing to forgive
others, or maybe even themselves.
They won't seek God's forgiveness.
They won't admit their human
frailty. They see only the frailty or
shortcomings of others.
Many try to push their unre–
solved hurts and anger out of their
mind, but they' re still there fes–
tering in their subconscious.
Without the
of willing–
ness to show merey and forgive–
ness, bitterness and anger still boíl
deep within.
Christ said God is only willing
Creatures ofHabit
(Continued from page
a fault , ye which are spiritual [that
is, those more mature in outlook
and knowledge]. restare such an
one in the spirit of meekness; con–
sidering thyself, lest thou also be
tempted. Bear ye one another's
burdens, and so fulfil the law of
Christ" (Gal. 6: 1-2).
A mature person realizes hu-
(Continued from page
us do not work just for money- we
!ove to teach. But we get discour–
aged. " They leave, not because
they are broke, but because they
are brokenhearted.
But American teachers and
Asían students have proved to be
a winning combination. Mr.
Khamchong emphatically denies
that the lndochinese are excep–
tionally gifted, or in sorne way
genetically superior. The Ameri–
can school system, in spite of its
flaws , is among the best in the
world, he feels. (Even the Japa–
nese, whose school system is con–
sidered to be one of the best, are
beginning to wonder if they can
learn something from the way the
Americans develop the talents of
individual students.) America has
fine facilities, adequate resources
and many, many imaginative,
competent and dedicated teachers,
who, given a chance, can produce
wonderful results.
The young refugees give them
to forgive us if we are
forgive those who misti-eat us
(Matt. 6:12, 14-15).
We must confess our sins to God
and ask him to forgive us and clean
up wrong attitudes.
takes charac–
ter to change our altitudes even if
others who wrong us won't.
Your New Goal
No goal in your life could be
greater, no challenge could sur–
pass the goal and challenge of
developing the qualities of a great
We should always try not to
repeat past mistakes or follow the
wrong examples of others around
us. Keep the all-important right
mans are creatures of habits- good
habits, bad habits. He never con–
dones bad habits. He knows
not change anyone who does not
want to change them. He will , how–
ever, try to set an example by over–
coming bad habits in bis own life.
He will encourage others who are
trying to change bad habits in their
lives, realizing given similar cir–
cumstances or experiences he could
have similar problems.
that chance. They come to school
with a thirst for knowledge and an
ability to sit still and concentrate.
In no time at all they have grasped
English and begin to excel in math–
ematics, music, literature, art and
computer science.
They graduate with honors and
go on to perform brilliantly in uni–
versities and colleges of higher
learning. In
years they may be
doctors, dentists, scientists, engi–
neers, artists and skilled craftsmen.
Southeast Asia's loss will be Amer–
ica's gain.
But in one sense, these children
have already made a contribution.
They have shown us that American
schools are not predestined to pro–
duce mediocrity. Given students
with a decent attitude to learning,
reasonable self-discipline and a
respect for authority, most teachers
could produce much better results.
But those things should be learned
in the borne. Teachers and schools
cannot do what parents won't do.
The right
to education
must be taught at home, if a school
is to do its job.
spiritual perspective in mind:
"Do not fret because of evildoers,
nor be envious of the workers of iniq–
uity. For they shall soon be cut down
like the grass, and wither as the
green herb. Trust in the Lord, and
do good.... Cease from anger, and
forsake wrath; do not fret-it only
causes harm. For evildoers shall be
cut off; but those who wait on the
Lord, they shall inherit the
earth.... And shall delight them–
selves in the abundance of peace"
(Ps. 37:1-3, 8, 9, 11, RAV).
Determine you are going to take
the steps needed to develop the
qualities of a great mind! God
reveals the way and the power in
bis Word!
All of our habits-whether act–
ing, thinking or feeling habits- are
"at first cobwebs, then cables."
But the miracle of conversion and
of true spiritual understanding is
that wrong "cables" can be snapped
- their dominance broken in one's
life. New and right habits of think–
ing, acting and feeling can then be
developed in their place.
What kind of habits do you
instill in your life?
The Western education system
isn't perfect. But it is not as bad as
sorne claim. The young Asians' suc–
cess in America proves that. lf
they, with their traumatized back–
grounds and lack of previous edu–
cation, can do so well, what should
the average American, Australian
or German be accomplishing?
Another article in this issue will
show you what you as an individ–
ual parent can do to help your
children get the most from school.
But don't expect improvement on
a national scale-not yet . Isaiah
prophesied of a generation where
"children are their oppressors"
(lsa. 3:12).
We are that generation. Our
society is geared more and more
toward giving a spoiled, fun-seek–
ing, unmotivated, characterless
generation of young people what
rather than what they
Even so, the Cambodian, Laotian
and Vietnamese youngsters and the
two little Hmong children show
tha.t they
learn from us.
Can we learn from them? o