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lence, teenage sex, the drug scene,
the millions of soured and turned–
off young people who make up so
much of our high school popula–
tion. For sorne, we acknowledge, it
is already too late. This is not a
perfect world, and our education
systems have been an imperfect
part of it.
Serious mi stakes have been
made. Precious years have been
frittered away fooling around with
gimmicks instead of solid teaching.
(Continued from page 2)
not pay God his t ithe is a
and, worse than a criminal robbing
a bank, he is
Goo! Yes,
Goo SAYS so-Malachi 3:8! And
one of the Ten Commandments is,
..Thou shalt not steal." The man
who does it puts himself immedi–
ately under the law-under penal–
ty of death for all eternity!-unless
he repents, and pleads the blood of
Jesus Christ for forgiveness, and
reconciliation to God.
lgnorance of the LAw does not
excuse. You may say, "Well , 1
all this." Well, you
are without excuse, for you know
it now-or you
know it if
you ' ll check up in THE BIBLE! But
God is most merciful. The minute
you really repent,
this law, begin keeping it honest–
ly, and go to Christ for forgive–
ness, then all is forgiven and God
begins pouring out his bJessing,
just as he did on me.
Hundreds have written me, dur–
ing the pas t years, saying God had
opened their eyes to his tithing law,
and telling how they have been
(Continued from page 21)
The commandments of God are
the way of love, of love to God and
love to neighbor. The first four of
the Ten Commandments tell you
how to love God, the last six how to
love your neighbor. That is the way
God lives and the way Christ lived
while on earth .
But in Jeremiah 50:6 God says
that the shepherds, the ministers
of this wor ld, lead his people
astray and deceive them. That is
exactly what has happened. The
October 1983
High schools in sorne areas are at
last beginning to admit that too
much emphasis has been placed on
nonacademic courses. They are get–
ting back to a core currículum of
the three Rs.
The teaching profession in the
United States has been through
considerable soul-searching in re–
cent months. Most teachers would
like to see the illiterate, the inept ,
the incompetent an d the inane
expelled from their professional
blessed. One even wrote that she,
too, had s tarted tithing eggs, and
her hens, too, had immediately
gone on an egg-laying spree! She
had either heard me mention that
experience over the air, or read of it
in an early issue of
The Plain
Of course
won't guarantee
God will cause hens to start laying
eggs faster every time. Probably it
won't work out exactly that way–
but he
promise a blessing
(Mal. 3:10-12).
How do you, then, pay your
tithes to Goo? By putting them
into Goo's WoRK- where God
himself is working- where his
gospe l is being preached; not
merely MAN's gospel
but the very message Christ
preached. Most professing Chris–
tians have never heard that gospel
today! Jesus preached only one
gospel-that about the KINGDOM
(government-rule) of Goo-of
how God is going tO RULE ALL
NATIONs-of how we may, by
being begotten
be actually
Second Coming o( Christ, and the
resurrection of the dead
Christ-being then GLOR IFIED
world has been deceived, and the
deceived theologians can't seem to
understand why God allows all
this suffering from disobedience
till we learn our ways are
God allows it to teach us lessons.
God allows it because we ourselves
have brought it on ourselves, and
because we have failed to develop
the kind of character needed to
become his children, to be g lori–
fied, to be given the gift of eterna}
life so as to live in happiness and
peace and joy. There's no other way
for peace.
ranks (unfortunately easier said
than done).
Never theless, given a c hance,
American and European schools
teach (see " Interna ti onal
Desk," this issue). There are sti ll
thousands of dedicated and compe–
tent teachers who have accepted
the responsibility for their part in
educating your children . But they
know that they can only do part of
the job.
They need your help. o
just as Christ is
glorified, in
the very FAMI LY of God! But most
professing ministers of Christian–
ity today deny this gospel alto–
gether- say it is not for t hi s
WHAT does God
with his
tithe? He uses it for his minist ry to
preach his message of the KI NG–
DOM OF Goo--the world tomor–
is the message of Goo's
is the message of true sal–
is the message of a
changed, and a fulle r , happier
LIFE-the message of ETBRNAL
He uses it to tell mankind THE
WAY to happiness, joy, prosperity
and eternal life in HIS KINGDOM.
But look at the CURSE! God's
wAY has not been preached. The
WORLD is unhappy, empty, sick,
poverty-stricken, cursed with fears
and worries, restlessness, frustra–
tions , insanity, crime, violence,
war- DEATH!
Even though the NATIONS are
under a curse, you as an individual
may come under Goo's BLESSING!
lt's your BEST assurance of holding
your job- of
continuou s
Man has brought all this on
himself, in defiance of God! Man
has been shaking his fist at God,
telling God he won' t obey God
and going his own way, the way
that has seemed right to a man.
It 's a ll a matter of cause and
effect. It 's the way we have lived
that has brought all these troubles
on us, not God.
But God will show man wheth–
er he has power. God will finally
deliver man from the evils of
today's civi lization by his divine
powers and establish his kingdom
of peace over all the earth. o