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directly and "losing" El Salvador
altogether; between not wishing to
offend historie Latín sensitivities
and seeing one domino topple after
another-ri g h t up to the Rio
G rande.
The domino theory is not j ust an
invention of the United States. The
British newsmagazine
The Econo–
in its April 9, 1983, issue
stated that "the domino theory is
even truer of Central America than
it was of South-East Asia.... "
The British and other Europeans
are concerned over yet another
blow to the power they depend
upon for thei r own protection.
"The ' loss' of El Salvador," contin–
The Economist,
"could be a
le th al fore ign-poli cy b low for
America, reminding its friends and
its foes of Vietnam and the l ranian
would bring the sound
of guns uncomfortably closer to
Panama and Mexico."
U.S. polit ical analyst George F.
Will put the threat in s tark terms:
"Events in Central America are
spinning rapidly toward a decisive
moment in U.S. history. None of
the fi ct ions that were used to
rationalize acceptance of defeat in
Vietnam can be used regarding
Central America. The threat there
is clase [and] clear.... There the
United States will show- will
learn- whe ther it is any longer
capable of asserting the will a g reat
power rcqui res, o r whether the
slide into paralysis is irreversible."
True Cause of the Turmoil
But the real reason t he United
States of America floundered in
Vietnam and is apparently so con–
fused today hasn't been unde r–
Those outside English-speaking
Nor th America, as well as the
people of the United States, might
be shocked at the real reason.
In his book
The United S tates and
Britain in Prophecy,
Herbert W.
Armstrong, editor in chief of
Plain Truth,
w ri tes: " ... the
United States, even sti ll possessing
unmatched power , is a f raid–
fears- to use it, justas God said: ' 1
w ill break the p r i d e of you r
"The United States has
winning wars .
America was un–
able, with all its vast power, to con-
quer little North Vietnam! The
United States is fast riding to t he
g reatest fal l that ever befell any
nation!" (Write for your free copy
of Mr. Armst rong's book today.)
The people of the United States
no longer enjoy God 's protection.
Scandalous national sins-divorce,
crime, drug addiction, pornogra–
phy, the condoning of homosexuali–
ty, to name but a few- have at last,
aft er more than 200 years of
national well-bei ng, cut America
off from the Source of her national
I n a very real sense, Almighty
God has, up until now, " hedged the
United States in." The oceans on
both sides have acted as huge pro–
tective buffe rs. Friendly Canad a
lay to the nor t h . And as long as the
U.S. possessed unassailable power,
no major competing powers or ide–
ologies had, unt il recently, been
able to take root in the Western
But this is no longer the case.
God says, prophetically, o f the
United States that
" 1
will take
away its hedge, and it shall be
burned; and break down its wall ,
and it shall be trampled down"
( Isa. 5:5, RAV) .
Notice also Psalm 89, verses 38
through 43: " Bu t You [God] have
cast off and abhorred, You have
been f u rio u s
with Your
anointed.... You have profaned
his c rown by casting it to the
ground. You have broken down all
his hedges; You have brought his
strongholds to ruin. All who pass
by t he way plunder him; he is a
reproach to his neighbors. You
have exalted the right hand of his
adversaries; You have made all his
enemies rejoice. You have also
turned back the edge of his sword,
and have not sustained him in the
The rest of this psalm reveals
t hat after a time of na tional punish–
ment and capt ivity God will restare
the fortunes not only of the United
States but those of its neighbors far
and wide. War, poverty, inequality,
politica] oppression and turmoi l
will , finally , be uprooted in the
happy and prosperous world tomor–
row foretold in the Bible.
But in t he days just ahead, the
U .S. is heading for fu rther calami–
ties on its own doorstep.
Animal Flesh
(Continued from page 38)
offered to idols were not pollu ted,
you could eat of them unless it
offended someone. Under those ci r–
cumstances the meat became com–
mon, not to you, but to the other
person who raised the quest ion
about idols. Notice: "Conscience, 1
say, not thine own, but of the
other" (verse 29).
Th at is why P a u l said i n
Romans, " Bu t to him t hat esteem–
eth any thing to be common [mar–
gin], to him it is common" (Rom.
14:14) .
Prophecy for the Future
What does the Bible say the people
would be doing today? Notice:
They t hat eat "swine's flesh"- that
is what mos t people a re doi ng
today- "and the abomination, and
the mou se, shall be consumed
together"- in the wrath of God–
"saith t he Lord" (Isa. 66:1 7).
Th is is t he fate of those "whose
God is their belly" (Phil. 3: 19) .
ls it any wonder today, that with
all our scientific know1edge, we
have more doctor bilis, more sick–
ness than ever befare in the history
of the world ? It is time we returned
to God and began to obey his laws.
He is our Creator . He made us. He
knows what our bodies were made
to u til ize as good, hea1thfu1 foods.
He set the 1aws in motion regulat–
ing clean and unc lean meats.
t ime we began to obey them as
Jesus and t he apost1es
God forbids a1so the eating of
animal fat, or blood (Lev. 3: 17;
7:23-27). Butter, olive oi l and sorne
vegetable oi ls and shortenings are
acceptable, bu t animal fat should
be c ut off befa re eating meat.
Cheaper hamburger is not good
because it is mixed with much fat.
Lard should never be used.
may not be spiritual si n to eat
biblically unclean foods. Yet, if one
deliberately does it out of lus t of
appetite, that breaks the tenth com–
mand and becomes sin. But in all
events wrong food injures the body,
which is the temple of the Holy
defi les the
if not the
and if we continue to d efi le
our bodies God will destroy us
( 1
Cor . 3: 17).