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to do all his commandments ... the
Lord your God will set you high
above all the nations of the earth.
And all these blessings shall come
upon you and overtake you, if you
obey the voice of the Lord your
God" (Deut. 28:1-2, RSV).
God promised additional bless–
ings: "The Lord will open to you his
good treasury the heavens, to give
the rain of your land in its season and
to bless all the work of your
hands ... " (Deut. 28:12, RSY).
This would mean the end to Aus–
tralia's long, drawn-ou t drought.
What a blessing that would be.
But all these blessi ngs were
guaranteed only " if you obey the
commandments of the Lord your
God, which I command you this
day, being careful to do them, and
if you do not turn aside
from any of the words
whic h 1 comman d
you ... to the right
hand or to the left, to
go after other gods to
serve them" (verses 13
and 14).
mildew [excessive moisture and
rot] .... And t he heavens over your
head shall be brass, and the earth
under you shall be iron" (Deut.
Other prophecies apply directly
to events Australia is experiencing
now. "And also 1 have withholden
the rain from you, when there were
yet three months to the harvest:
and 1 caused it to rain upon one
city, and caused it not to rain upon
another city: one piece was rained
upon, and the piece whereupon it
rained not withered. So two or
three cities wandered unto one city,
to drink water; but they were not
satisfied: yet have ye not returned
unto me, saith the Lord" (Amos
4:7-8, AY). These patchwork
weather patteros are s lowly but
epidemics resulting from famine.
The cities will be destroyed in war
by an enemy yet to appear on the
world scene, and with the destruc–
tion of our cities another one third
of our people wi ll perish.
In chapter 6 , verse 6 , " In all
your dwellingplaces [different En–
glish-speaking countries, including
Australia] the cities shall be laid
waste.... " The third left alive will
be taken captive (Ezek. 5: 12).
Commenting about the state of
the nation, Australian teache r ,
writer and critic Bill Broderick is
quoted in
September 22,
1980, as saying of modero Austra–
lia, "God is dead. Only in spor t,
gambling and sex is there hope of
salvation. Nothing can shake the
country of this cynicism except
sorne catastrophe on a
national scale."
In Hosea 5:14 God
says, .. For 1 will be
unto Ephraim as a
lion ... I , even 1, will
tear and go away; l will
take away, and
" 1 will go and return
to my place, till they
acknowledge their of–
fence, and seek my
face: in t heir affiiction
they will seek me ear–
ly" (verse 15) .
Then God g ives a
startling list of curses
for disobedience: "But
if you wi ll not obey the
voice of the Lord your
God or be careful to do
all his commandments
and hi s statutes ...
then all these curses
shall come upon you
and ove r take yo u "
(verse 15).
"Cursed shall you be
in the city, and cursed
shall you be in the
SYDNEY'S PORT JACKSON-famous the world over for its natural
beauty. But Sydney, like other metropolitan areas, is blemished by
human sins unrepented of.
Australians - an d
the whole world- will
eventually know "that
1 am the Lord" (Ezek.
6:7). This will be when
Jesus Ch rist retu rn s
and saves al ive a rem–
field" (verse 16).
The c iti es in Austral ia a r e
plagued with crime, violence,
immorality and pollution. Agricul–
tural areas are plagued with declin–
ing soil fertility, crop d iseases and
A lot of these problems we bring
on ourselves through break ing
physical and spiritual laws God has
set in mot ion. But God will also
step in to directly punish or awake
a nation to its sins and warn it to
[f a nation will not change its
ways, "The Lord will smite you
with ... fiery heat, and with
drought, and with blasting [effects
of destructive hot winds], and with
s urely sappin g thc nat ion's
Prolonged drought is the result
of physical and spiritual sin–
which is the t ransgression of God's
law (1 John 3:4)! The nation has
not repented nationally and re–
turned to a genuine contact with
God. Unless there is a turnaround
the curses listed in Deuteronomy
28 and in other prophecies will,
says God th rough the propbet
Moses, "pursue thee until thou per–
ish" (Deut. 28:22).
The prophet Ezekiel also reveals
that because the modero descen–
dants of the sons of Jacob refuse to
repent, one third of the English–
speaking world will die in disease
nant (Amos 5:3) to establ ish a new
world of peace and prosperity with
all nat ions learoing to live with one
another in harmony.
The warning has been going out
to Australia for more than 20 years
through the pages of
The Plain
and the
World Tomorrow
radio and telcvision broadcasts.
Jesus Christ, the Messiah, and
he alone will save the Australian
people and their kindred worldwide
from total annihilation (Hos. 13:9).
He will return to earth as King of
kings and establ ish God's govern–
ment over all nations. Only then
will Australia truly recover. Out of
the ruins Australia's full potent ial
wi ll at last be realized!