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to your good
Animal Flesh
Herbert W. Armstrong
Were all animals made clean? What about the unclean animals shown to Peter
in a vision? Here is a straightforward Bible answer, giving the
New Testament teaching. This subject is important to your health and well-being!
thousands of years
of huma n experi–
ence, it seems there
still is nothing people
know less about than food.
Observe a little baby.
seems t.o think that anything
and everything its little chubby
hands can get into its mouth is
good to eat- and everything
baby gets his hands on goes
straight to his mouth! How
often must young parents take
things away, and try to teach
the lovely littl e bundle of
humanity that everything one's
hands can touch is not neces–
sarily good for the dígestíon!
We' re Just Grown-up Bables
Well, one might wonder if any of
us has grown up! Most of us
adults still seem to think that any–
thi ng we can stuff in our mouths
is good for food. About tbe only
difference between us and the
baby is that baby puts into his
mouth whatever
good, while
we employ the sense of taste in
decidí ng what goes into ou r
mouths. In a very real sense, your
stomach is your fue! tank. An
automobile's tank is its stomach.
People wouldn't think of pouring
just any fluid that will pour into
tbe "stomach" of their car. You
know that a car was not made to
consume and "digest" fuel oil,
water, milk or kerosene.
Yes, we are very careful what
we "feed" an automobile- and
totally careless and indifferent
about what we feed ourselves and
our c hildren!
What happens to the food you
eat? In the stomach the digestivc
process takes place. And, once di–
gested- if you have eaten fit and
digestible food- a portion of the
essential minerals and vitamins–
the life-giving properties in the
food- filter through the intestinal
lining into the bloodstream to
replenish and build up decaying
cells, to provide energy, body
warmth, good health.
Your body is wonderfu lly
is thc most wonderful
mechanism in the world.
But, just as you must use the
right kind of gasoline in the gas
tank and the right kind of oils and
greases in the other parts of your
car or otherwise impair its perfor–
mance, so you must put the right
kind of food into the most delicate
mechanism of all, your body.
you tried to oi l a fine watch
with axle grease, you wouldn't