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herself how he or she manages to
start so many arguments. And what
is the basic CAUSE of the problem?
Is it vanity or selfishness? Is it lack
of control of temper or tongue? l s
it caused by wrong emotional
responses aggravated by poor
health , alcoholism or sorne deep
underlying personal problem that
has not been discussed with the
spouse or is not otherwise being
Just what is the real CAUSE?
The same need to get at the
cause of problems applies to every–
one-men and women
alike- in job frustrations,
social problems and other
areas of life.
[f, for instance, you
have serious problems in
your job or profession, be
sure you find the real
CAUSE, not sorne imagina–
ry scapegoat. Ask your–
self questions.
H ow did
happen into
this line of work, any–
how? Did
fully go into it
because it inter–
ested me and of–
fered a personal
challenge to grow
and accomplish–
completely apart
from pay or fi–
nancia] consider–
ations? Do
Bernard Baruch, multimillionaire,
financier and counselor of
presidents. After describing a set–
back on the stock market , .M
Baruch stated: " In such circum–
stances sorne men grow desperate.
grew cautious. I began a habit
was never to forsake- of analyzing
my Losses to determine where
made my mistakes. This was a
was to develop ever more
systematically.... I
never sought
to excuse myself
but was con-
cerned solely with
guarding against a
tually have the natural
talent , skills and abilities
that should normally
make me a success in this
type of occupation?
In finding the right job or
profession . . . evaluate
carefully the real likes, dislikes and
the particular abilities
If not , then perhaps
you are the proverbial
square peg in a round
hole. Or maybe you have allowed
sorne other side interest to take too
much of your time and attention
from being a real success at your
chosen occupation. Or are you
allowing health problems, drinking
problems or personal frustrations of
sorne sort to upset you in a job
where normally you should be hap–
py and successful?
Admi t YOUR Part of the Problem
In finding the real cause of your
problem, be honest! Don't kid your–
Follow the example of the late
and skills you have been given.
repet1 t10n of the same error ."
Good advice!
In finding, admitting and cor–
recting our mistakes, how many of
seek to excuse ourselves,
but are concerned "solely" with
guarding against a repetition of the
same error- determined that we
shall NOT continue making that
Other people may have their part
in the problems you face. But, like
Mr. Barucb, you need first of all to
find and correct YOUR mistakes that
contribute to these problems. Face
up to these mistakes you have been
them to yourself.
Determine to
making them.
When you have learned to do
just this much, then more than half
the battle is won!
Learn the Laws of Success
Apart from seeking out and admit–
ting particular mistakes, you need
to learn the LA
of life, health and
success. These will enable you to
avoid mistakes befare they occur–
to recognize a potential problem on
the horizon and bypass it without
having to suffer first!
The first Jaw of success
is to
set the right goal!
finding the right job or
profession as a part of
that goal, evaluate care–
fully tbe real likes, dis–
likes and the particular
abilities and skills you
have been given.
Again , don't kid
yourself. For even
though you might like
the financia! rewards
or prestige of sorne
occupations, you
would in all like–
lihood be frus–
trated and miser-
able in them if
you didn't enjoy the
day-by-day routine. they
involve. And you will
undoubtedly enjoy and be
able to put your heart into
a job more easily if it is in
a field where you excel
and are naturally compe–
tent because of your
inherent talents and abili–
Among the other laws
of success are the need to
obtain a
proper education;
importance of building
the need for putting
into all you do; the vital matter of
to the end.
The Creator has set definite
of success in motion that we ignore
only to our own hurt. You need not
only to
but to
uvE BY
laws if you wish to be successful
and happy. You also need to come
to the realization that all true laws
of life, which any of us may discov–
er, are based upon and are simply
magnifications of the great spiritual