David K. Noller
A surprising turn of events will stagger the " Lucky Country." But Australia's
ills will be healed and its awesome potential realized.
is r ap idly
heading toward its
greatest crisis in its
near 200-year his–
Un preced e n ted p r ob le m s
1oom ahead fo r this vast island
continent with its small 15 mil–
lion population. T he crisis Aus–
tralia faces is not j ust a tempo–
rary hu rdle.
is time our readers under–
stood , from one who is an Austra–
lian, the causes of our national
problems- here in Australia and
the English-speaking nations
worldwide-and the prophesied
outcome revealed in ou r Bibles!
The Critic a! Present
Australians are pinning thei r hopes
o n thei r prime minister, Bob
Hawke, and his Australian Labour
Party (ALP) who were swept into
office in the nationa l elections
March 5. This election may prove
one of the most crucial in Austra–
lia's history.
After seven years of conservative
government- a coalition of the
Liberal and National parties led by
the former pr ime minister, Mal–
colm Frazer- the Australian voters
have opted for the Labour alterna-
t ive. Mr. Hawke, a former head of
the Australian Council of Trade
Un ions (ACT U), became the
Labour Party's thi rd prime minis–
ter since World War 11. He
achíeved his goal in less t han three
years in public office.
Blanche d'Alpuget in her biog–
raphy of Robert
J .
Hawke, states
t hat his deeply rel igious mother,
Ellie, whi le pregnant, took out the
Bible each day, keeping a vow she
had made in childhood. Sbe told
friends and relations that she was
astonished how often it fell open, as
if by design, at the early chapters of
Isaiah, and how her eye was drawn
to the verses foretelli ng the birth or