safety and security of everyone.
Today, many criminals do not
believe they will be caught or
severely punished for their acts.
They not only do not fear God, but
they do not fear or respect the
human-instituted laws of their own
society. Many lawbreakers have
friends or parents who condone or
cover up for their crimes.
Many don't fear to break laws
agai nst criminal behavior because
law enforcement systems have
become so enfeebled that criminals
feel they can beat the courts or get
off lightly if they are caught.
Notice God's instruction in
ancient Israel for cases where one
stole another person's property.
was not, as is frequent today, a
small fine, a prison sentence
or plea bargaining.
nstead ,
depending on the circum–
stances, the offender was to
work to restare to the owner
t he value or
quantity of goods he stole
(Exodus 22). Under that
administration it paid to
earn, not steal, what one
And if a n i ndividu a l
attacked another person in a
fit of rage and injured him
with a weapon or fists, the
otfender "shall pay for the
loss of [the victim's] time,
and shall cause him to be
thoroughly healed"-that is,
the otfender had to pay the
victim's health recovery
costs (Ex. 21:18-19, AV).
And in such a community
where godly living and deep respect
of law is the rule, criminals would
soon have no place to hide. No one
would protect them or cover up for
them. Organized crime couldn't
gain a toehold and make profits.
Citizens and government would
work hand in hand to swiftly deal
with lawbreakers.
Crime and violence soar in socie–
ty when individuals are willing to
tolerate permissive values or vio–
lence in themselves or others.
soars when governments and crimi–
nal justice systems become corrupt
and permissive.
"Because the sentence against an
evil work is not executed speedily,
therefore the heart of the sons of
men is fully set in them to do evil"
(Eccl. 8:11, RAV).
The apostle Paul taught Chris–
tians that though the nations do not
live under God's government, God
has ordained human government
for this age as the constituted
authority agaínst criminals and
The majar reasons crime soars
and humans lose trust in govern–
ment are that governments often
are prevented from swiftly punish–
ing criminal behavior, or authori–
ties become corrupt or oppress law–
abiding citizens.
Ancient Israel repeatedly diso–
beyed God's laws. T he Scriptures
record the tragic social and national
results. More and more nations are
reaping the same consequences. ·
Your Protectlon?
Most of mankind today live the
way they t hink is right. They make
their own laws. Society has all
kinds of ideas of how people should
cope with crime.
Mill iof)s take up guns and other
destructive weapons for self–
defense because that is the only
source of protection they believe
they can have confidence in.
But what defense against person–
al attacks of crime and violence
does a person have who fears and
obeys God?
Did C hrist teach those who
would obey him to take into their
own hands the weapons to "blow
others away" in a blaze of gunfire?
Christ said, "And just as you want
men to do to you, you also do to
them likewise" (Luke
Many assume the Christiani ty
that Christ preached makes Chris–
tians defenseless in a world filled
with crime and violence. They
totally fai l to grasp the divine help,
blessings and protection God can
heap on those who obey God and
trust him in times of trouble.
Even those who profess to be
Christians often scoff at the idea of
divine protection. They practice a
religion "having a form of godliness
but denying its power"
But God is real! His
intervene on behalf of those who
fear and obey him is
Christ recognized that we
live in a world threatened dai–
ly by the possibility of crime
and violence. He lived in a
world like that. So did the
early apostles and Christians
whom he commanded to pray
daily, "Deliver us from evil"
Can God deliver those
who ask for his daily care
and protection? " ... the
Lord knows how to deliver
the godly out of temptations
and to reserve the unjust
under punishtnent for the
day of judgment," answers
the apostle in 11 Peter 2:9
God's power to intervene
on our behalf is not lim–
ited- except by the qual ity
of one's faith and obedience.
"And whatever we ask we receive
from Him, because we keep His
commandments and do those things
that are pleasing in His sight"
John 3:22, RAV).
Please do not misunders tand!
God expects us to be wise and avoid
the potential for crime and evil
whenever possible. Often it's only a
matter of using common sense and
of staying out of trouble-ridden
areas. Our fre.e booklet
Crime Can
Be Stopped .
Here's How
plains how to reduce your chances
of becoming a victim of criminal
Are you doing your part? Do you
have God's special help and protec–
tion? Are you doing what is pleas–
ing in bis sigh t?