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lor a license. Provided a
country-much ol it
much differently about guns
18 can possess a hunting
good reason is given,
attributable to personal
than Americans and other
weapon, nor can
usually sell-protection, the
quarrels and lamily leuds.
nations. Guns are regarded
psychopaths, lormer
license is granted alter
first and loremost as
convicts, racketeers or
several weeks.
AMERICA-Latin Americans
essential tools lor collective
ITALY-No weapon ol
commonly possess guns
security from sudden
Most citizens in Japanese
any kind may be bought
despite strict firearms laws
aggression from hostile
cities, even Tokyo, leel
without a license. All
in most countries. In Brazil ,
nations. They are not
relatively sale from violen!
purchases must be
stores selling guns must
primarly purchased lor
crime and don't leel a need
registered with police. An
register with police and keep personal protection from
for sell-protection. Factors
applicant has to make a
a record ol persons buying
crime. Any civilian caught
that have worked to make
good case for needing any
guns. Nevertheless, armed
armed without a permit for a the country relatively low on
firearm other than shotguns
robberies are common.
weapon is subject to an
crime are high racial
and hunting weapons.
Criminals gel guns through
extensive jail term, and sale
uniformity and the relatively
Nevertheless, ltaly has been
smuggling, theft or purchase ol ammunition is strictly
close-knit Japanese home.
plagued by rising gun crime. them from a few corrupt
Children are taught to fear
lt is not difficult to get a gun
bringing personal shame
on the black market.
upon lamily and name by
SWEDEN-Gun laws in
criminal acts. School and
Scandinavia are strict.
company traditions also
Swedes must have a license
teach great respect for legal
lo obtain any firearms. This
and government institutions
is granted only alter careful
and police.
examination and then usually
Japanese policemen
only for hunting, sport
regularly patrol their
shooting or because one
neighborhood beat on loot
belongs to a shooting club.
or on bicycle. Their high
There are no mail-order
visibility helps deter crime.
sales. Few Swedes own
And Japanese are willing to
cooperate with law
enforcement officers.
special license is required to
Japanese policemen try lo
carry weapons, which only
visit every residence twice a
the police can grant. Only
year to renew contacts with
persons with clean records
longtime inhabitants or meet
who can prove they need a
newcomers lor the first time.
weapon for self-defense or
Local block groups also stay
professional reasons may
aware of residents in their
own a handgun. Hunters and
areas and routinely report lo
target shooters usually must
police any suspicious activity
be members of a shooting
in their area. Still, police
club or have an acceptable
report rising crime as
place to use their weapons.
officials. Law-abiding
TANZANIA-Police deny
modern permissive values,
Gun owners can buy guns
citizens, in turn, feel they
permission for anyone lo
mainly flowing lrom the
only from specified dealers.
must arm themselves
own a gun without giving
United States, weaken old
Oespite these restrictions,
against city robbers and
strong reasons. Said one
social and family values.
violen! deaths by firearms
rural bandits.
police official : " This is not
are on the increase in West
SINGAPORE-Citizens are the United States. We don't
law provides tough penalties
Germany, many caused by
strongly discouraged lrom
think that everyone has the
lor illegal actions involving
guns acquired illegally.
owning a gun. A decade or
right to have a gun."
firearms, setting prison
more term in prison can be
JAPAN-This crowded
terms up to five years lor
Oepartment of Oefense
meted out lor unlawfully
country has one of the
anyone who carries, keeps,
registers all weapons in the
having arms or ammunition.
strictest arms regulations
makes or supplies firearms
country, but Mexican
There is a lile term for
anywhere. No one may
without a police permit.
officials admit that almost
carrying a gun while
possess handguns except
Hunting rifles must be
anyone who has the money
committing a crime; a death
police, military personnel, a
registered with authorities.
can buy a firearm without
sentence if convicted ol
lew government officials and When at home, owners mus!
registration. Guns are readily using a gun in a crime.
Japanese Olympic
keep such weapons taken
available on the black
marksmen. Hunting rifles,
apart and locked up. In rural
market. There is a high rate
possession of firearms
shotguns and air guns are
areas these regulations on
gun violence and
carries a death sentence.
licensed by government
prĂ­vate guns otten go
homicide in the
ISRAEL-Israelis feel
agencies. No one less than