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(Continued from page 16)
son of Jesus Christ. (Write for o.ur
free booklet
What ls the True Gos–
Jesus' gospel is his message.
Jesus Christ, the Messiah, was a
messenger. He brought to mankind
the "gospel [meaning 'good news']
of the kingdom of God" (Mark
1: 14) a message about a literal,
world-rul ing government, soon to
be established!
The gospel is an an nounce–
ment- a proclamation that the
imperfcct, humanly devised gov–
ernmcnts of this world are to pass
into history, to be replaced by the
world-ruling perfect government of
At the clímax of man's rebellion
against God- in the impending
period of global chaos and war,
"the God of heaven [shall] set up a
kingdom, wh ich shall never be
destroyed ... it shall break in
pieces and consume all these king–
doms [this world's present govern–
ments], and it shall stand
for ever"
(Daniel 2:44).
This good news is also described
in Revelation 11: 15: "And the sev–
enth angel sounded; and there were
great voices in heaven, saying, The
kingdoms of this world are become
the kingdoms of our Lord, and of
his Christ; and he shall reign for
ever and ever."
Moreover, J esus Christ is not
going to do this ruling by himself!
He is coming to set up a highly
with many positions of authori–
ty-positions which will be filled
rime is everybody's problem today-in more ways than
we may think! Who would have believed that the majority
of crimes are committed by people considered basically
"good"? "Good" people shoplift, embezzle, break traffic laws,
beat their children or wives, disrespect the police or commit
adultery and then líe to cover it all up. Like fiction's "good" Dr.
Jekyll, inside whom evil Mr. Hyde lurked, inside
each of us is similar potential. Our free booklet
Crime Can Be Stopped . .. Here 's How!
the inner cause of crime and how to conquer
it-especially how you can stop your own
"bad" behavior. For your copy mail the card
in this issue to our office nearest you.
by former humans who have qual–
ified for resurrection to eterna!
The perfect law of God will
become the very cornerstone of the
kingdom of God (Micah 4: 1-2).
Satan and his demonic cohorts will
be bound and imprisoned, that they
"should deceive the nations no
more" (Revelation 20: 1-3).
Man's very nature will be
changed! "And
will give them one
heart, and 1 will put a new spirit
within you; and 1 will take the sto–
ny heart out of their ftesh, and will
give them an heart
ftes h," God
declares (Ezekiel ll: 19).
Man will be given God's Holy
Spirit- the power to overcome his
nature, and the power to compre–
hend spi ritual knowJedge. After
about 6,000 years of human his–
tory, the way of
will at last
replace the way of
Sign of the End
Significantly, one of the major
signs cited by Christ himself of tbe
nearness of the end of this present
age is that the gospel announce–
ment would be proclaimed world–
wide. Notice Matthew 24:14: "And
this gospel of t be kingdom shall be
preached in
the world for a wit–
ness unto
nations; and then shall
the end come."
You are now hear ing that
announcement through the pages
of the
Plain Truth
magazine and
on the
World Tomorrow
And t he kings, presidents and
prime ministers of this world are
personally hearing it from Herbert
W. Armstrong, editor in chief of
The P/ain Truth
and apostle of
Jesus Christ.
Yes, there
a perfect govern–
is the governmen t of
lf you want to know more about
this comjng government- and your
potential part in it- write for our
free booklet
The Wonderful Wor/d
Tomorrow- What lt Wi/1 Be
A new age is
coming! This "pres–
ent evil world" (Galatians l :4) is
soon to pass away. In the end, all
nations will learn the great lesson
that God's government is the only
way that will produce the peace and
prosperity t hat all peoples
seek! o