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and mental torment to come to the
humanity he had created.
Therefore he BARRED entrance
to the tree of LIFE-to an immor–
tality in the supreme torment of
eterna! anguish and frus trat ion.
T hat is, God put an impassible
WALL between himself and all
humanity- EXCEPT those infinitcs–
imally few he would spec ially call
to him- for 6,000 years! After–
ward- after Satan is conquered by
Christ and those caJJed to be his,
and Satan is imprisoned forevcr–
every human who ever lived will be
call ed, mostly in a special postmil–
lenni al resurrect ion , and offered
repentance, forgiveness of si n and
the gi ft of ETERNAL LIFE!
HOw WONDERFUL are the ways
of Almighty God!
So God had said to Adam, in
effect : " You have made thc deci–
sion for yourself and the whole
world that shall spring from you.
Therefore, go, and devise your own
ideas of government, your own rel i–
gions, form your own gods, produce
your own s tore of knowledge and
its dissemination, during the next
6,000 years."
Mankind was CUT off from God,
except those predestined to be spe–
cially called by God.
Jesus said plainly: "No man CA
come to me, except the Father
which hath sent me draw him"
( John
Others wbo
are "saved in Christ," accept him
muJgated by Satan! Jesus also said
pJain Jy: " ... IN VAIN do they WOR–
SHIP me, teaching for doctrines the
comma ndments of men. For laying
as ide the commandment of God, ye
ho ld the tradition of men ..."
Now Prophesied for the U.S.A. and
British Peoples
The United States and the British
peoples did inherit the NATIONAL
and MATERIAL promises of the
birthright promised unconditional–
ly to Abraham. Therefore God has
FULFILLED his unconditional prom–
ise of the birthright to Abraham.
Once fulfilled, in the British and
Americans, retention of it by us
becam e CONDITIO NAL o n OUr
all this vast wealth, economic pros–
perity and world power?
We have made physical SCIENCE
the new messiah-our false god–
which boasted we no longer needed
to wear the swaddling clothes of
supers tition , or lean on the crutch
of religion. SciENCE promised to
deliver us from all our troubles!
But it fai led utterly, and only pro–
duced the weapons of mass destruc–
tion that can now erase all humani–
ty from the earth.
Our educational systems wor–
shiped at the shrine of the false god
of EVOLUTION, making it the foun–
dational approach and basic CON–
CEPT upon which all KNOWLEDGE
is based! Evolution is the atheist's
attempted explanation for the pres–
ence of a CREATION, without a
Our governments have been cor–
rupt. Our business, industr ial, eco–
nom ic and commercial systems
have been shot through with decep–
tion, dishonesty, selfishness.
We have adopted the
LIFE of Satan- utter selfishness,
lust and greed , envy and jealousy,
competition in every walk of life–
business, politics, sports, society–
leading to violence and destruction!
We have rebell ed against the
author ity of GoD over us, worship–
ing the false gods of science, evolu–
tion and greed. We have gone the
WAY of SATAN! And Satan is the
god of this world
( 11
an all-wise and all-loving God is
about to PUNISH our nations, in
arder finally to br ing us to HIM!
will use just one prophecy here.
In Leviticus 26: 19, God said of
break the pride of your power."
God has given the United States
more nationa l POWER than any
nation ever had! But si nce Korea
the United States has been afraid
to use it!
won't take more space here.
This whole story is given in great
detai l in my book
The United
States and Britain in Prophecy.
But already the noose is around
our necks, and is almost dai ly tight–
ening! Economic ills are s tarting
GREATLY to reduce our standard of
warn you , PREPARE greatly
to reduce your standard of living!
Even GREATER punishments are to
follow! o
(Conc inued from page 18)
peace will Micah's prophecy be ful –
filled: " But they shall sit every man
under his [own] vine and under his
[own) fi g tree; and none shall make
them afraid" (verse
There will
be no more fear of coups and wars,
result ing in sudden loss o f life and
Even in today's world, the
nations with t he greatest poli tical
stabil ity are invariably the most
prosperous economies. In Afr ica,
the lvory Coast, Cameroon and
Senegal are three nations that have
not exper ienced a coup--and their
prosperity and order are examples
to more troubled neighbors.
Coups breed more coups. Vio–
lence begets violence. The result is
anarchy, chaos-a falling standard
of living and increased suffering for
all citizens. Far better to " Honor
the king [or president]," be loyal
and reap the benefi ts of govern–
mental stability. o
(Continued f rom page 25)
effect relationship in
From the beginning God has
revealed the causes of evils and of
how we ought to live. He also reveals
the good ncws that Satan is going to
be forcibl y thrust from his role of
god and deceiver of this world. Jesus
Christ is coming to restare the gov–
ernment of God over the earth and
change human nature.
Meanwhi le, in today's world you
need spir itual weapons- spiri tual
help--to counteract tbe power of
Satan. " For the weapons of [a true
Christian's] warfare are not carnal,
but mighty through God to the pull–
ing down of st rong holds [of Satan's
attitudes and temptations]" (ll Cor.
"Resist the devil, and he will fl ee
from you," reveals J ames 4:7 . " Be
sober , be vigilant; because your
adversary the devi l, as a roaring !ion,
walketh about , seeking whom he
may devour," says
Peter 5:8.
Are you vigilant? Are you in con–
t act with God for the spiritual help
you need? o