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The PLA IN TRUTH, in conjunction with the Ambassador College Bible
Correspondence Course, presents brief excursions into the fascinating study
of the Bible. You simply turn to and
read in your Bible each verse
given in
answer to the questions. You'll be amazed at the new understanding gained
each month from these short studies!
How HumanityWill Learn Its Lesson
fast approaching a
unparalleled in
human history!
Right now, as you read this,
nations are busy applying science, technology and
industry to produce newer, more frightening
weapons. Each "improvement" is intended to
increase the ability to mete out the threat of
death and mass destruction in the event a neigh–
bor should attack. Already enough "vintage"
nuclear weapons are stockpiled to erase all life
from this p lanet
of times over!
Meanwhile, devastating evi ls gnaw away at human
society the world over. Mindless violence, murder,
appalling immorality, rampant cr ime of all kinds and
grinding poverty, sickness and disease continue to
escalate at an incredible rate.
What has gane wrong?
Pred lct ed Centuries Ago
The sad state of today's world was predicted more than
1,900 years ago by the greatest newscaster who ever
lived. He accurately foretold today's chaotic world
conditions. He foresaw the scientific discoveries and
technological advancements.
This famous newscaster knew men would produce
the destructive forces that now threaten the extinction
of aJI life! This great newscaster was Jesus of Naza–
reth. He warned, "And except that the Lord had
those days, no flesh should be saved
(ALIVE] ..."
(Mark 13:20).
This is the same Jesus Christ who is coming again, this
time not only with an advance announcement but with all
power and authority to save the world from destroying
itself in nuclear warfare. He is returning to establish the
government of God and enforce world peace!
But before that dramatic intervention in world
atfairs by J esus Christ, a sequence of events must first
occur--events that wi ll affect every Jast person on
ear th! T hese catastrophic events are outlined in the
last book of the Bible- Revelation.
In vision (Rev. 1:1), Christ catapulted the apostle
John sorne 1,900 years forward in time into the great
and terrible "Day of the Lord." It is described
throughout the book of Revelation as the time when
Almighty God will supernaturally
in world
affairs to
rebellious nations.
God is going to use the forces of bis natural creation
to "spank" humanity in true !ove, in concern for
humanity's welfare, just as any loving parent punishes
his children who will not listen to gentle admonition.
God will send a series of punishments of increasing
severity to finally
jolt men to their senses
and to
them! Men today, as a whole, do not want to
come under the authority of God, for their own good.
They want to continue in the selfish ways that are
bringing the world all its miseries.
The coming catastrophic end-time events of the Day
of the Lord were revealed 1,900 years ago when the
Lord Jesus Christ opened the seven "seals" that cov–
ered the scroll of the Apocalypse or Revelation (Rev.
5:1-9). Yet, when opened, most of the book of Revela–
tion is found written in symbo1ic terms that Christ, the
Revelator, elsewhere reveals. T hese were,
explained in the preceding two studies. (Be sure to
send for the full explanation in our free booklet
Book of Revelation Unveiled at Last!)
We learned in the previous study that the
which covered the scroll or book of Revelation,
disclosed "seven trumpets" (Rev. 8:1-6) representing
seven consecutive events-physical punishments-as
to the nations not to go any further into
national and personal sins. And as we learned in our
last study, the fifth and sixth trumpets (trumpets are
symbols of national emergency and war) are also called
"woes" (Rev. 8: 13; 9: 12). They signa! catastrophic
warfare that the Bible reveals will occur between
superpowers in Europe and Asia.
Next in the sequence is the
seventh trumpet.
it is about to sound, the third "woe" is about to fall on
mankind. Let's pick_up our study at this point and see
the smashing clímax of God's intervention in the
affairs of rebellious mankind!
After God has allowed six previous punishments