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TheWeather Report for 1982
or so was inundated with
floods. Additionally, normal
December night and day
-~~j llaly-the
country more !han 100 years.
temperatures ranging from
drought in memory
• • suffered through
Africa and
70-90 degrees Fahrenheit
crippled this nation's farm
a summer of high
have plunged to 50-80
sector, which normally
temperatures and humidity.
by the worst drought
degrees, sending
accounts for 45 percent of
Crops in southern ltaly and
in memory.
unprepared Thais
Australia's export income.
Sicily were damaged
scrambling for ways lo keep
extensively by heat and
Un1on- warm.
spawned by
hailstorms. Palermo, the
food shortages are plaguing
tropical cyclone Isaac,
Sicilian capital , experienced
severa! Soviet republics, with : •.
172-mile-an-hour winds and
its hottest summer in 36
the fourth poor harvest in a
in the spring cost Texas
a tidal wave hit !he South
Seas island Kingdom of
Tonga March 3. The storm
cut off all communication for
severa! hours. Sorne 90
percent of the crops were
destroyed and 95 percent
the buildings on the islands
in the northern Ha'apai
group were destroyed or
·~Ch i na
(P .R.C.)-first,
drought in Hobei and
Liaoning provinces, then
flooding in Shanxi province
(kill ing 1,358, leaving
170,000 homeless)
devastated northern China.
In the south, flooding in
Guangdong in June killed
more !han 400 and
inundated 300,000 people.
years with 92 straight days
row. Floods and hail ruined
cotton farmers $2.2 billion
than 100
of near 100 degree
fields and destroyed
as the harvest there was the
million people were
livestock in Georgia while
worst since 1975. In
affected by the worst
Japan-floods in
torrential rain drowned crops northern Indiana, Ohio and
drought in 50 years.
Nagasaki killed more
in Az.erbai jan. However, the
southern Michigan ,
~Indonesi a
!han 300 in that city 's worst
Soviet Union also
rain-swollen rivers produced
caused significan!
disaster since World War 11 .
experienced its warmest
the worst flooding there
local lamines in this
December in more than a
since 1913. More than $20
multi-island nation of 150
million damage was done in
million people.
nation suffered a dry winter
the city ot Fort Wayne.
with only 40 percent of
local drought
Later, in December, heavy
the south cut this
normal rainfall. This was
and flooding formed a
rainfall totaling more !han 20
nation's yield of grape wine
followed by a record dry
patchwork across this
inches in three days sent
to 1. 98 billion
spring. Canterbury
country. While one village
swollen rivers over their
gallons-down from 2.2
experienced its worst
suffered drought, its
banks, causing massive
billion gallons in 1979.
drought and he'at wave in
neighbor only 30 miles away fl ooding.
your people for an inheritance"
( 11
Chron. 6:26-27,
N IV ).
G od is warning the natio ns
today to turn from their material–
ism, false religions and all o f the
various selfish economic and polít–
ica! "isms" that are leading us
away from the true path of peace
a nd prosperity.
and acknowledge our Creator and
his laws. Were the nations to do
so, we would f ind ourselves
blessed with good weather and
stable climates. W e would not
have to worry about either a new
ice age or a greenhouse effect
occurring sometime in the future.
We can experience the abundant
life with good, healthful weath–
er- bu t only if
are willing to
acknowledge God and his laws
and h is government. But that
would mean a new age-the won–
derful world tomorrow.
We can expect our weather to
become worse .. . until we repent
April 1983
If you would like to know more
abou t that soon-coming world,
write t he
P/ain Truth
office near–
est you for a copy of our free
The Wonderfu/ World
Tomorrow, What lt Wi/1 Be