(Continued from page 6)
how reliable the U.S. shield really
The growing pressure for a
nuclear freeze in the United
States-it would be unilateral since
the Soviets would have little incen–
tive to respond- is bound to be
highly disturbing in Tokyo.
Nuclear freeze advocates claim
their proposals, if adopted, would
ensure a safer world. The truth is,
nothing could be more destabiliz–
ing- forcing both Western Europe
as well as Japan to eventually
become nuclear powers in order to
defend themselves. The "nuclear
genie" would be out of the bottle
for good.
J apan, like Germany, was on the
way to developing the atomic bomb
during the last war. J apanese tele–
vision recently revealed that Tora–
nosuke Kawashima, a retired colo–
nel in the Imperial Army, had been
ordered by Prime Minister Hideki
Tojo to develop the atomic bomb
for Japan .
The prime minister had heard
about the U.S. atomic bomb proj–
ect from reports funneled vía a
secret Spanish spy network operat–
ing in America. (The existence of
this spy network was revealed for
the first time in the 15-minute doc–
Nuclear scientists were assembled
for the project but the lack of urani–
um slowed its progress. A cal! went
out to Axis ally Nazi Germany.
"Hitler agreed to help," said Mr.
Kawashima, "but the German U–
boat carrying two tons of uranium
was sunk by Allied naval vessels
during its voyage to Japan."
America was "lucky." Atomic
bombs fell on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki rather than on Los
Angeles and San Francisco.
.Bible prophecy thunders that a
decadent America and Britain
won't be so fortunate the next time
as the world races ahead into the
final end-time period of great inter–
national destabilization and
upheaval. lf you have not do11e so,
write for our free book,
The United
States and Britain in Prophecy.
Jays bare future calamities-and
how you can escape them! o
(Continued from page
West Germans are not blind to the
striking similarities between these
two periods of time. Many are dis–
satisfied with a political situation
under which the smaller parties
exercise disproportionate power.
The prospect of the Greens wind–
ing up as the power brokers in the
formation of a new coalition gov–
ernment appalls the average voter.
West Germans would like to see
the emergence of a new, more
dynamic leadership, a leadership
that will
make a di.fference- that
will be able to get a grip on the
drift and provide challenging new
concepts and goals.
Regardless of their present polit–
ical affiliations, growing numbers
of West Germans admit- though
often reluctantly- that the dynam–
ic, no-nonsense style of leadership
exhibited by Franz Josef Strauss
may ultimately be required to deal
with a situation that has become
intolerable. (lt was Mr. Strauss
who, as finance minister, brought
West Germany out of deep eco–
nomic trouble in 1967-69.)
T hough he has never made a
secret of his desire to occupy the
chancellor's office, Mr. Strauss
once remarked that he hoped con–
ditions within his country never
so bad
that the people
would have no choice
but to elect
him chancellor!
Such a time, however, may be
just around the corner.
Supranatlonal Goals
Unlike Jeaders in other nations fac–
ing simi lar difficulties, West Ger–
man officials cannot pursue an
active program of appealing to pub–
líe feelings of "patriotic duty" and
"national mission." Though appeals
of this type can be very effective in
galvanizing public support, the bur–
den of recent German history ren–
ders such an approach impossible.
Were West German leaders to
in\!oke such ideals, the shock waves
would rock the sensibi lities of his–
tory-conscious neighbors.
ls, then, this potentially crucial
resource of nationalistic fervor to
go to waste?
Sorne German leaders have sug-
gested that rather than abandoning
such a valuable instrument of moti–
vation, these patriotic feelings
might be transferred to
goa/s- specifically, toward
the bui lding of a strong, united
In this vein, Franz Josef Strauss
has declared: "Whoever wishes to
be a German must see to it that he
becomes a European while there is
still time. We must have patriotism
in an entirely new understanding of
the word."
Since World War
one fact
has become increasingly clear:
West Germany's concerns are inti–
mately bound up with the concerns
of Europe as a whole. Many are
beginning to realize that the solu–
tion to a divided German nation
can be properly found only in a
Germany's fate-and destiny–
is irrevocably tied to that of
Europe! And in many ways, the
German nation- at the center of
Europe's peoples-is the
Europe's destiny.
As Franz Josef Strauss observed
in the postscript to bis book
lenge and Response
Europeans do not grasp
before long that they must find a
common response, equal to the his–
torie occasion, to the challenge with
which they are confronted, Europe
will finally miss what chance it has
of being allowed to embark upon
the future as a more or less inde–
pendent unit."
West Germany has mueh to
offer Europe. Despite its ser.ious
troubles, it remains the Continent's
strongest economy and possesses
Westero Europe's largest conven–
tional army.
cannot fail to play a
leadership role in the Continent's
search for solutions to the burgeon–
ing East-West crisis.
Bible prophecy-explained in
the pages of this magazine-reveals
that Germany a nd Europe are
heading toward a time of great cr i–
sis- and great opportunity.
is one of the functions of
Plain Truth
to announce in
advance the unfolding of fast-paced
events in Europe. Far-reaching
developments lie just ahead-and
they will
the world and
total/y change
the course of his–
tory! o