as to whether these three planets
have any solid surface whatsoever.
Life as we know it on these outer
planetary bodies is beyond the
realm of possibility.
Planet number nine is Pluto,
even though at the m01'nent and for
a number of decades its orbi t car–
ries it closer to the sun than Nep–
tune. Nearly the size of our moon,
Pluto is so very cold as to negate
any possibility of life. There are
those who even question its status
as a full planet. One noted astrono–
mer dubbed it a "cosmical light–
Astronomers have good reason to
believe that a 1Oth planet exists
among the outer planetary bodies.
The search continues unabated.
And Now-Back to Earth
is in the human heart to search
out the mysteries of the heavens.
The wisest man of the ancient
world once observed: " It is the glo–
ry of God to conceal a thing: but
the honour of kings is to search out
a matter.
The heaven for height.
and the earth for depth, and the
heart of kings
is unsearchab/e."
Many of man's newest astronomi-
cal discoveries bring as many ques–
tions as answers. Yet man goes on
relentlessly pursuing knowledge
about the universe.
would be odd
if he did not do so.
Centuries later a learned man
wrote about certain people "who
are ever learning, but are never
able to come to a knowledge of the
truth." Man seeks the mystery of
origins in outer space when the
basic answers are right back here
on earth.
Today man seeks evidence of
intelligent life in outer space, hop–
ing not only for answers to the
basic mystery of life, but also for
keys to resolving ou r complex
behavioral muddles. Maybe intelli–
gent life from outer space
a lready visited this planet and
brought to earth the answers both
to the basic mystery of life and our
stubborn human problems. Maybe
we've just never used our tools of
recogni tion properly.
One noted author wrote "of the
earth visitar who paradoxically
carne of us, lived with us, and
invited us to learn of
thing we have never yet done."
know who this writer was talking
about. Jesus of Nazareth- the man
from space who visited this earth
about 2,000 years ago.
The God-life of another dimen–
sion (a spiritual one)-the traveler
in outer space- was changed into a
t iny spark of life. He then became a
babe in bis mother's arms. And in
due time he grew up to become a
man. His disciples wrote down the
essence of his message for man–
kind. He called it the Good News.
lt's all written down for you in four
small books termed the gospel
according to Matthew, Mark, Luke
and J ohn . You possibly have never
taken the trouble to seriously read
their contents.
Thirty minutes a day would get
you through those four books in
less than two weeks. This is reading
material well worth your time.
Your television can't beat it.
Why is planet earth unique in
our solar system? You should know
by the time you finish reading the
four gospel accounts.
not, you
may need to write for our attrac–
tively printed booklet entitled
Were You Born?
l t will give you
help in understanding what you've
just read.