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have to travel great distances to do
exciting or necessary things. One
won't want to "get away from it
all." It will be exciting where you
There will be towns and cities in
the world tomorrow, bustling with
creative activity. But they will be
vastly different from today's tower–
ing canyons of steel, glass and con–
crete that blot out sun and inspiring
natural beauty. Com!Jlunities will
be related to supporting food and
livestock production.
Agricultura! areas will not be
cultural wastelands. There will be
beautiful cultural centers, magnets
to draw families and communities
together tci enjoy the best in music
and other human achievements.
Of today's world, where city and
field are more and more often sepa–
rated, God says, "Woe unto them
that join house to house, 1ay
field to field, till there be no
place ..." (Isa.
Families and relatives will tend
to live close by and support one
another. That's where the fun will
really begin-with families, friends
and neighbors helping each other to
grow and deve1op.
And it will be safe to Jet children
enjoy their environment (Isa. 11
"Violence shall no more be heard in
thy Iand, [nor] wasting nor destruc–
tion within thy borders ..." (lsa.
But you may ask, what if some–
one comes up with sorne idea or
plan to produce something actually
dangerous to human Iife or the
environment? Or to be corrupt or
deceitful in his dea1ings? Note the
way such thoughts and actions will
be dealt with before they come to
" . . . yet shall not thy teachers
be removed into a corner any more,
but thine eyes shall see thy teachers
[spirit members of the God family,
born of God, now manifested in
human form]: and thine ears shall
hear a word behind thee, saying,
This is the way, wa1k ye in it, when
ye turn to the right hand, and when
ye turn to the left" (lsa.
21 ).
What will humans do when
they run into sorne technological
snag, or have sorne difficulty or
uncertainty about whether to pro-
March 1983
ceed on a new development,
whether it will be environmentally
safe in the long run? Here's unbe–
lievable news! They can go to
members of the God family, even
to Jesus Christ himself if neces–
sary, who is the creator of all law
and matter and ask! "Ask, and it
shall be given you; seek, and ye
shall find; knock, and it shall be
opened unto you," promised Christ
(Matt. 7:7). What an age to
Home Conservation and Recycllng
What aboüt nonpolluting borne
utilities and heating? Today, so
much energy is wasted from
cheaply or improperly designed
homes and inefficient heating·
equipment. Homes in the world
Modern economic
competition does not
allow either
industries or farmers to
apply the essential
antipollution equípment
or conservation methods
they should.
tomorrow will be designed from
the start to take advantage of non–
polluting and renewable sources of
energy. Again, this energy may be
solar power, efficiently burned
wood, biomass gases, natural gases
or other fue!.
Home builders will be encour–
aged to use efficient borne, tree and
shrubbery placement to maximize
heating and cooling during the var–
ious seasons. Homes will be solidly
built from the foundations up. And
well insulated where necessary.
That saves energy. Quality bornes
that meet the needs of the environ–
ment may cost more initially. But
they will be cheaper, longer lasting
and more satisfying in the long
Today's vast sewer systems,
overwhelmed with human, animal
and toxic chemical wastes that
dump into rivers, Iakes, waterways
and oceans, won't be permitted.
Such technology spreads disease
and ugly stench.
The · Bible reveals the proper
means of human waste dispÚsal–
turned back into the soil for prop–
er sanitary breakdown (Deut.
Proper waste disposal systems
will return biodegradable waste
back into the soil through proper
septic or composting systems.
Sorne nations are already learning
how. Communities and villages will
be smaller. Individual home or
community waste disposal systems
can be designed to recycle water
and wastes safely. Great quantities
of water will not be necessary to
flush them away.
Recycling of metals, glass and
paper products will be encouraged.
That also will conserve resources
and energy.
Time to Be Creative
As well as being burdened down
with lack of critica! necessities of
Iife, much of humanity also feels
deprived of sufficient time to devel–
op and improve themselves, or to
But when humanity gets its pri–
orities right, there will be time to
enjoy other activities.
Here is a wonderful way
humans will find such time. Every
seventh year the land will be
rested (Lev. 25: 1-7) and debts due
will be released (Deut.
a whole year humans can devote
to special creativity, innovation,
special education and travel.
a time to improve technol–
ogy to assist others· around tHe
But don' t misunderstand. Pollu–
tion will not be conquered-even
under Christ's reign-all over the
earth at once. It will take time and
education. God's government will
gradually permeate the hearts of
human beings like Jeaven in dough
But the marvelous thing is that
humanity, at last, will have the
divine help and power needed to
overcome every obstacle to a whole–
some environment. o