ordained the
family unit
to teach
God's way to each generation. That
means fathers a nd mothers will
teach sons, daughters and grand–
children by exa mpl e and by
instruction, with discipline. Fami–
lies-fathers and mo thers- will
not be forced to engage in separate
jobs to earn a decent livel ihood as
often is true today.
Families will be given inheri–
tances in property, in productive
land. This is land that a person or
family can live upon, or always faJI
back upon, to provide the basic
essentials of life. Humans under
God's government wi ll not be the
slaves to a taxing s tate or to sorne
industry or job that totally divorces
them from the productivity of their
own land .
Notice the prophecy of Zecha–
"In that day [after God's
government is es t a b l ished o n
earth], says the Lord ... every one
of you will invite' h is neighbor
vine and under
tree" (RSV).
Pollution will automatically be
cut way down because of this focus
on right agriculture.
Unl i ke today, there will be
enough good and fertile land for aH.
will be produced by the
power of the great God. "The wil–
derness a nd the so litary place
... and the desert sha11 rejoice, and
blossom as the rose.... in the wil–
derness shall waters break out, and
s t reams in the desert. And the
parched ground shall become a pool,
and the thirs ty land spri ngs of
water ..." ( lsa.
35: 1,
6-7) .
Nations will reap the blessings of
resting their land every seventh
year (Lev.
25: 1-7) .
They will be
guaranteed right amounts of pre–
cious ra infall ( Deut.
28:2, 12).
Notice the bountiful results that
right agricultura! practices will
reap. " Behold , the days come, saith
the Lord, that the plowman shall
overtake the reaper, and the treader
o f grapes him that soweth
seed ... " (Amos
There won't be vast corporations
(agr ibusinesses) or a few selfish
landowners with all the good land
and bordes of land less peasants
wondering if they' ll have food or
jobs tomorrow.
Crops won't be planted in vast
acreages of monoculture-single
crops over hundreds or thousands of
acres-year after year . That type of
farming encourages depletion of the
soil. It demands vast quantit ies of
powerful fertilizers, and deadly pes–
ticides, herbicides and fungicides.
In the world tomorrow, famil ies
will be working together on their
own smal ler yet sizable acreages.
They will be able to build up,
improve and conserve their pre–
cious heritage with proper conser–
vation methods. They will recycle
natural fer tilizers and composts to
bui ld up the soi l-obeying the law
of return- "giving" back to the soil
what they take out.
Cattle will not be fed on giant
feed lots, which create huge mounds
of wastes that run off with rains and
pollute land and water supplies.
Farm animals wi ll live on fields or
pasturage rotated with crop produc–
t ion.
Humans will learn to cultivate
disease-resistant seeds. They will
produce quality food!> with op–
timum nutrients for good health.
They will not, as is so often true
today, feel forced to produce great
quantities of food as cheaply as pos–
sible as their first priority. And yet
there will be an a bundance o f
wholesome food.
You may wonder, how will farm–
ers be able to avoid usi ng poisonous
pesticides to rid their c rops of
destructive insects and diseases?
By obeying natural and spiritual
laws! First, they will plant proper
crops for thei r area. They wi ll use
crop rotation to maintain soil fer ti l–
ity. T hey wi ll practice soil conser–
vation. T hey will des ign tlieir
acreage for the encouragement of
balanced bird, insect and plant life.
These practices will not only fi ll the
air with pleasing songs and sights
but will go a long way to naturally
controll ing pests.
But there will be another won–
derful way to protect crops. How
many today know that whole
nat ions are cursed (Mal.
with agricultura! woes because they
are robbing God? Note this prom–
ise from God:
" Bring ye all the tithes [of crop
or monetary increase] into t he
storehouse ... and prove me now
herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if
1 will not open you the windows of
heaven, and pour you out a bless–
ing, that there shall not be room
enough to receive it.
"And 1 will rebuke the devourer
[animal plague, disease or infesta–
t ion] for your sakes, and he shaJI
no t destroy the fruits of you r
ground; neither shall your vine cast
her fruit before the time in the
fi eld, sai th the Lord of hosts" (see
3: 10-ll).
God is Lord over all bis creation.
That is something most people for–
get today.
Rlght lndus try, T ravel Too
In the wonderful age to come, there
will be a need for various kinds of
industrial goods. Man wi ll need
machines and engines for power
and transport to assist him in con–
structive activities. In tomorrow's
world, machines using predomi–
nantly nonpolluting energy and
engines will be required.
Humans have already conceived
and designed certain basic nonpol–
lut ing energy technology- solar
power, s t eam and biogas for
Sorne industrial activities-such
as s t ee l - m aki ng and critica!
metals-require the use of high–
heat ene rgy sources. Coa! will
probably be used for this purpose
in many areas. But that will mean
great care mus t be taken to control
pollutants that arise.
environmentally dangerous agents
are produced by any industry, that
industry wi ll have to install maxi–
mum antipollution devices to cap–
ture, neutralize or recycle such
wastes-or such industries won't
be permitted to exist.
Scriptures reveal there will be
major highways for transpor tation
and travel ( l sa.
11 :16; 35:8; 40:3).
Whatever modes of transportation
will exist won't be allowed to pollute
or endanger the health of man as
happens today. Much pollution from
transportation vehicles could aiready
have been cut down with properly
designed systems. T he field of inven–
tions is wide open for new develop–
ments in a world that is not devoted
to greed, selfishness and gain!
Home -Whe re t he Ac t lon Beg i ns
In tomorrow's world, one won't