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Keith W. Stump
As troubles mount, West Germany
faces an uncertain future. Where will that future lead ?
West Germany–
lt is time for the world
to awaken to the far–
reach ing sign ificance of de–
velopments here!
The abrupt collapse last
autumn of the Social Demo–
cratic coalition that had gov–
erned this country for the past
13 years marked the end of an
era in West Germany's postwar
his tory.
West Germany is now entering
a new and potentially dangerous
period of uncertai nty and crisis.
To most Gcrmans, the road
ahead is far from clear. A foreign
visitor senses a general feeling of
unease- a mood of foreboding–
among Germans.
Where is West Germany head–
ed? Will Chancellor Helmut
Kohl 's coalition government be
able to give thc country the strong
leadership it necds?
Dim Prosp ect s for S lumping
Econ om y
Shortly after taking office, the new
chancellor boldly promised "a new
start with a gover nme nt that
works." Opponcnts were quick to
declare that "nothing will change
bu t the rhetoric. "
Wh at are Dr . Kohl's pros–
Much of the success of any leader
in troubled times such as these
hinges on his personal charisma and
ability to inspire and motívate the
March 1983
public. But the new chancellor has
been widely described in much of
the German press as "colorless,"
"ponderous" and " uninspired."
One diplomat described his style as
"the bland leading the bland."
The general feeling about Dr.
Kohl's future is one of skepticism.
Most observers believe his pros–
pects are dim at best. No major
changes are expected. Yet it may
well be that major changes are the
only way to deal with the serious
problems facing West Germany.
Chancellor Kohl's
icy wi ll certainly make or break his
The same economic problems
that triggered the downfall of Hel–
mut Schmidt 's coalition remain to
torment his successor. West Ger-
many is in its worst economic crisis
since the state was founded shortly
after World War ll.
West Germany today has the fast–
est-growing unemployment rate in
Europe. The jobless rate is expected
to soon reach upward of 1
of the work force- more than two
mill ion people. Stagnant growth is