ing man and woman complete, and
the begettal and training of chil–
dren possible, a thi rd great pur–
pose in sex and marriage is the
building of character in the home
and family relationship. The king–
dom and law of God is based on
t..OVE. J esus said: " I t is more
blessed to GIVE than to receive"
(Acts 20:35). To obey Goo's law
of marriage, man and wife must
literally GJVE themselves to each
other in every phase and facet of
their livcs.
Showing that this principie must
be practiced in the sexual relation–
ship as well as in others, the apostle
riage to be the perfect expression of
this !ove of man and woman.
Our free booklet
Soon Obsolete?
takes an in-depth
new look at the institutions of mar–
riage, the home and family life- and
reveals startling truths which have
been altogether overlooked by
science, by religion, by education,
and by society. You need to read it to
understand how and when the insti–
tution of marriage originated and the
necessary purpose it serves.
The Attitude of True Love
Love can be simply defined as a
sense of closeness, warmth, affec-
More ma rriages a re
breaking up. More children a re being
torn from t heir parents.
More young people . . . a re tur ning
to liquor and
other drugs as a way out .
' '
Paul commanded: "Let the hus–
band render unto the wife due
benevolence: and likewise also the
wife unto the husband. The wife
hath not power of her own body,
but the husband: and likewise also
the husband hath not power of his
own body, but the wife. Defraud ye
not one the other, except it be with
consent for a time, that ye may give
yourselves to fasting and prayer;
and come toget her again, that
Satan tempt you not for your
incontinency" ( l Cor. 7:3-5).
The material act of bodily union
is a debt each marriage partner
owes the other. But it is a debt of
t..OVE and is so intimate and holy
that God blesses it with a NEW
T he divine purpose in sex attrac–
tion is to kindle !ove and intensify it
until there is complete and mutual
surrender of two lives. Love in its
highest sense is union. The mar–
riage union is of mind, heart and
body. lt is made sacred by God's
command, for he instituted mar-
the one or ones loved. There are
three basic types of !ove: !ove
toward Goo, !ove toward fellow–
man and !ove toward mate.
n all
three types of !ove, the individual is
motivated by his concern for the
OTHER more t han he is concerned
about hi mself.
This directly applies to !ove in
marriage. You should always be
diligently trying to serve your
mate, to care for him or her, to
honor, to give to and respect. Sex is
a tool in helping learn to express
this type of TRUE LOVE- as nothing
else can be.
It exemplifies and epitomizes t he
attitude of servi ng and !ove toward
the other.
this att it ude is not
present, there will, of course, be
terr ible troubles, frustrations, bit–
terness and misunderstanding.
But here is a rich opportunity in
marriage! GROWING in true !ove.
GROWJNG together as a team.
Growth will not always be smooth.
Growing pains will occur.
But these pains are signs of
e ROWTH- provided that both hus–
band and wife are working together.
The more a couple grows together–
the more they LOVE each other, the
more mutual concern and considera–
tion they will have for each other and
the more they share their mutual
plans, hopes, dreams and joys in an
ever-increasing and delig htfu l mar–
riage bond.
God ordained sex and marriage
as a means to help us develop the
true love- the outgoing concern–
tbat we desperately need to qualify
us for the ultimate positions that
God has in store for al! humanity
who will heed!
Men and women were created
with a NEED to exper ience a nd
learn these lessons of the mar riage
union. Neither is complete without
the other. But together, a godly
married couple is indeed a powerful
and balanced team.
The De velopmen t of Ch a racter
Character development is the
supreme GOAL in life.
is the very
purpose of ou r physical lives.
Everything else s ho uld revolve
around this basic and ind ispensable
goal. And true LOVE is the most
important single characteristic of
godly character!
The wise and proper use of sex is
an integral part, tben, of BOTH god–
ly character and true !ove. Its prop–
er understanding and meaningful
use has a fantastic purpose extend–
ing not only through th is life- but
into the time beyond.
You now see the a lternatives
placed before you. You can plainly
see the end RESULTS of the phi loso–
phies and practices of this modern
world and its wretched abuse of t he
gift of sex. You see the broken
homcs, the juvenile delinquency,
the blindness and allied ajlments
caused by venereal disease, the
gnawing UN HAPPINESS and the
ru ined lives. The wretched results
of sexual law lessness are incontro–
vert ibly obvious.
But you need not take that way.
T here is a BETTER WAY!
May the true God give you the
wisdom and strength to PRACTI CE
the understanding and principies
you should have gained from this
article! Reread it carefully and use
it! o