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without ever understanding what it
really is to become a Christian-a
follower of Jesus Christ-will even–
tually have their opportunity to
understand. They too will learn that
it is necessary to keep the command–
ments. l f it doesn't happen during
this life, then it will happen in a
future period of judgment when
God's government rules the earth
and all the dead who have not had an
opportunity for salvation will be res–
urrected and given the opportunity
to choose the way of life that is based
on obedience to God's laws-the
only way to true happiness. T hat
period of time is descr ibed in Reve–
lation 20: 11-13.
Every human who ever lived will
have an opportunity to receive sal–
vation. For most people that time
comes after they have lived thei r
entire lives and died. God is just
not trying to save the entire world
now. That's why the Scripture says
that in general, "it is appointed
unto men once to die, but
after this
[in a future resurrection!] the judg–
ment [not a sentencing, but a peri–
od of testing and judging-their
fi rst and only genuine opportunity
for salvation]" (Heb. 9:27).
Jesus told his disciples: "Enter ye
in at the strait [restricted] gate: for
wide is the gate, and broad is the
way, that leadeth to dest ruction, and
many [the millions, the hundreds
and thousands of millions] there be
which go in thereat: because strait
[restricted] is the gate, and narrow is
the way, which leadeth unto life, and
[during this present age] there
be that find it" (Matt. 7: 13- 14). You
probably have not understood this
before. So why not write for our fre.e
article " ls T his the Only Day of Sal–
Don't make the mistake of judg–
ing what the Bible describes as true
Christianity by the lives of people
you have known who may not even
have understood what real Chris–
tianity is.
To be a real Christian is simply
to do what Jesus said to do. He
showe<i the way to truly abundant
living. His words are recorded in
the Scriptures. But they will only
profit someone who reads them
there and follows them.
know these things," Jesus ex–
claimed, " happy are ye
ye do
( John 13: 17). o
Januar y
(Continued from page 24)
higher learning, these very t ransfer
students are often the most enthu–
siastic about the educational advan–
tages here.
One is not merely a number at
Ambassador College. The number
of students on each campus is pur–
posely kept small so that a genuine
bond develops between students,
faculty and staff. Each campus tru–
ly has a "family spirit."
Each student is challenged to
fu lfill bis or her human potential.
Our students are given the vision of
what this world need s in the
future- an
entire new civilization.
And Ambassador students are giv–
en the basic keys of knowledge and
understanding to become the gen–
uine leaders of tomorrow!
A Cha llenge to Young People
Here is a challenge to all young
people who understand what
Plain Truth
stands for-who wan t
the training for a meaningfu l and
successful life
and who
wish to acquire an understanding
of and develop t he leadership
capabilities for the wor ld tomor–
lf you have successfully com–
pleted high school or secondary
school or plan to do so in the near
future; if you are not afraid to
blaze new trails and gain true
understanding of the real solutions
to life 's problems-then by all
immediately for the
Ambassador College catalog. You
will receive full particulars.
Those inquiring about our Pas–
adena campus with its four-year
liberal arts program should write
to: Admissions Office, 300 W .
Green St., Pasadena, California,
91129. Young people interested in
our two-year, junior college pro–
gram at our T exas facility should
write to: Admissions Office,
Ambassador College, Big Sandy,
Texas, 75755.
This world and its educational
systems a re at a n impasse. An
entire new civilization must be
built or humanity wi ll self-destruct.
At Ambassador College, the lead–
ers of tomorrow's vibrant world are
being trained today. o
(Continued from page
that God intended-and so God
created the woman as a "help" to the
man. And, in this very creation, God
showed that t hey were to dwell
together as man and wife in one
fleshly union-to share
in this life, and so make their
lives meaningful and complete in a
physical sense at least.
The second purpose of sex and
marriage is the begettal and t rain–
ing of chi ldren. For God had told
the man and woman: "Be fruitful,
and multiply, and replenish the
earth, and subdue it ... " (Gen.
:28) .
In begetting children comes the
responsibili ty of protecting and
t raining them. A stable, happy
home and marriage are indispens–
able to the correct nurtu re and
training of a chi ld. And God com–
mands: "Train up a child in the
way he should go: and when he is
old, he will not depart from it"
(Prov. 22:6).
Both parents are responsible for
the supervision and training of
their children. But the minute-by–
minute, hour-by-hour responsibili–
ty of care and t raining of the chil–
dren falls the lot of the wife as the
God-given "helper" of her hus–
The Eterna! God commands that
the young women are to be taught
"to love their husbands, to love
their chi ldren, to be discreet,
good, obe–
dient to their own husbands, that
the word of God may not be blas–
phemed" (Titus 2:4-5, NKJV).
T he Home a School for Charact er
The home and family is the
all decent society! The lessons of
character learned in the home–
patience, understand i ng , kind–
ness-all these are qualities that
God wants in man for all eternity,
and the family relationship is one of
the best places in which they can be
Better than any other place, the
lessons of decency, loyalty and a
sense of responsibility are learned
in a happy a nd well-balanced
home. And so, in addition to mak-