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to push everything from traveler's
checks to tea" (
Wall Street Jour–
November 28, 1980). Yet
many people still assume that sex is
rampant only in the major urban
areas. This was not true. Television
has changed all that.
Television executives, aware of
the ready accessibility of television
to every member of society, young
and old, at one time tightly con–
trolled all programs. But the pres–
sure of society has been too great.
The money of sponsors talks loudly.
The public wants sex, the sponsors
want the public, and television
wants the sponsors.
Sex and the Unive r si–
t ies
The future leaders
of this wor ld reside
at the colleges and
un ivers1tles. I s
them. Women students also are
permitted to take packages of 24
each for their non-student part–
If all of this seems somewhat
hard to believe, there is a simple
way that you can prove it. Go down
to any large university. Look at the
bulletin boards. You wi l l be
shocked. Here you will find adver–
tisements of males and females
looking for temporary sex partners!
These are our "future leaders," the
"hope for tomorrow."
Cons ide r the Resul t
"Just a minute," críes a modern
philosopher, "isn't this sexual
present. Only man can appreciate
the end results.
J ust what are the results of our
modern, sexually permissive, sex–
ually arousing, sexually promis–
cuous society? Observe these abso–
lute results, and then you "consider
the end results"!
Society is clamoring to be sex–
ually free-depending , of course,
on what you
by "free."
But are people becoming hap–
A recent Gallup Poli , taken
throughout Europe, found the fol–
lowing conclusions:
beliefs are declining; 2) Morals
have also slumped ; 3) Honesty is on
the wane; 4) Happiness is
becoming increasingly hard
to find; 5) Peace of mind is
The home and family is the
basis of all decent
there any hope for
higher moral leader–
ship from this new gener–
T he cry for sexual
permissiveness and
sexual freedoms has
emanated from and
echoes around those
"bastions of knowl–
edge." But perhaps
society! The lessons
of character learned in the
home- patience,
Yes, happiness is-as
the survey d iscovered–
becoming harder to find
in this age of free sex
than ever before. More
marriages are breaking up.
More children are being
torn from their par–
ents. More young
people-young and
old-are turning to
you have rationalized
the situation. Perhaps
you have hal f con–
vinced yourself that
this sexual looseness,
lewdness and lascivious-
ness have been caused by a
vocal minority, while the
great majority of students are
still decent, moral and chaste.
Stop deluding yourself.
magazine, December 20,
1981, reported on how heavi ly
many U.S. universities are involved
in promiscuous sex-: "This past
summer, the University of lllinois
became one of the first state uni–
versities in this country to issue
free condoms to its students on
"For 10 years, women students
at the university's Champaign–
Urbana campus have been given
birth-control pills and fitted with
diaphragms and intrauterine de–
vices (IUDs). But this is the first
year that condoms have been pro–
vided to maJe students who want
kindness- all these are
qualities that God
wants in man for all eternity.
liquor and other drugs
as a way out, an
And "peace of
mind is rare." l t is
not only rare but
freedom and sexual openness a
change for the better? It's stimulat–
ing, enjoyable and interesting. Life
has become scintillating and zest–
ful. No longer are people inhibited
and repressed-they are more open
and honest.
"Why retain prudish, outmoded,
irrational moral standards? Why
shouldn't we do just exactly what
we feel like doing,
we want,
we want?"
T he human family was endowed
with a particular ability: to visual–
ize the future consequences of pres–
ent actions. Only man, of all
created physical beings, has the
potential to picture the future as
the clear and direct result of the
among those who
practice free sex. For their
promiscuity is
not real/y
free at al/.
They pay a
price for violating unseen, yet
inexorable, laws that have been set
in motion.
The more one reads about and
talks to those involved in free sex,
the more deeply it becomes appar–
ent that these people are
They are playing with something
they don't understand . Toying
childishly wi th something that
ought to be handled with deep
respect and reserved for a special,
unique union based on lasting
loyalty, !ove and commitment.
Reginald Ramsey, while in
charge of Toronto's Distress Center
to take suicida! calls, carne to feel
that the chief cause of suicide is
sexual infidelity.
He said: "There's