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Roderick C. Meredith
Where are we headed in the current revolution in sexual standards?
evo lut ion has t a ken
place in t oday's ap–
proach to sex.
T he swiftness of t his sexual
revolu tion makes it vital t hat
every t hinking person give it
ser ious thought and considera–
tion. For it does atfect you.
And it d irectly alfects- like it or
not- nearly al l of the people
around you.
Power of Adver tisi ng
What does "sex" mean to you ?
almost any magazine. How many
pages can you read without being
You will be amazed and aghast
at the constant references and allu–
sions to sex . But be watchful! Most
of these references are cleverly sub–
tle. Yes, "sex" can be subtle. But,
whether you are aware of it or not,
it influences many decisions in your
life, occupies much of your time,
and shapes you r innermost
thoughts and emotions.
Sex l s Bi g Business
Let's play, for the moment, the Sexual pitches in adver tisements
game that psychoanalysts employ: and television commercials be–
"What in modern society is asso-
ciated with sex?"
Answer: magazines, billboards,
movies, television, theater, Holly–
wood, nightclubs, j et-set, college
campuses, hippies, automobi les,
boats, clothing, cigars, beer,
cold pi lls, stomach pi lls,
1.... (.
shaving cream, deodorants,
mouthwash and toothpas te.
Is this list everything?
Of cou rse not !
hardly begun! Our or iginal
quest ion might have better
been phrased: " What in
modern society is not asso–
ciated with sex?" This is
much easier to answer: "Al–
most nothing."
Try a Jittle experiment.
T urn on the television–
mos t of you have one–
and observe how long you
can watch without being
assaulted by sex. Or pick up
come more suggestive. 1ts shock
value is used to peddle almost any–
thing . " Though sex has always
moved merchandise, it has never
before been so expl icit. Advertisers
were once content merely to whis–
per, hi nt or suggest. Now the veil
on the innuendo is being lifted, and
sales pitches are downright steamy.
J eans designers, by turning prime
time into a sea of undulating poste–
riors, led the way. But other adver–
tisers quickly fell in step, using sex