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momentarily cool down. World con–
ditions can from time to time begin
to appear calm, hopeful, on the
mend, peaceful. But you can be
lulled to sleep, too. Don't allow it.
Don't sit back in your easychair
thinking all is right.
This is by authority of the Word
of Almighty God! This warning is in
your Bible. "For when they shall
say, Peace and safety; then sudden
destruction cometh upon them, as
travail upon a woman with child;
and they shall not escape"
( 1
T hess.
Jesus said: "And take heed to
yourselves, lest at any time your
hearts be overcharged with surfeit–
ing, and drunkenness, and cares of
this life, and so that day come upon
you unawares. For as a snare shall
it come on all them that dwell on
the face of the whole earth" (Luke
Do you understand? When
things seem all right-as they
will- when it seems as if there is
"peace and safety," then comes
"sudden destruction" ! lt's going to
be a "snare"
to most!
But you can
have prepared yourself in advance
for the only genuine protection
there is!
Now l s the Time to Ac t
lt's time now for you to act. lt's
time now for you to prepare. But
how? What should you do? What
preparation can you make? Not the
preparations discussed earlier.
Most of man's preparations will be
Man can't protect you. Man is
responsible for the very problems
besetting this world.
is man's
continua! departure from God and
his spiritual law that has led us to
impending world destruction.
The prophet Isaiah ill ustrates
this point: "Behold, the Lord's
hand is not shortened, that it can–
not save; neither his ear heavy, that
it cannot hear: But your iniquities
have separated between you and
your God, and your sins have hid
his face from you, that he will not
hear. For your hands are defiled
with blood, and your fingers with
iniquity; your lips have spoken ües,
your tongue hath muttered per–
verseness. None calleth for justice,
nor any pleadeth for truth: they
trust in vanity, and speak líes; they
conceive mischief, and bring forth
iniquity" (lsa.
And again: "The way of peace
they know not; and there is no
judgment in their goings: they have
made them crooked paths: whoso–
ever goeth therein shall not know
peace" (verse
Man doesn't know how to have
peace with himself or with God.
Only Almighty God is able to
protect you. God has provided a
way of escape for those willing to
obey him. Do not rely on the hand
of man.
The first step is to seek God now!
No matter who you are, where you
OEMONSTRATION of survíval gear, wíth
freeze-dríed foods, water purífier, radía–
tíon suít and weaponry.
are, or what your position in life is,
it's time to seek God, before it's too
late! "Seek ye the Lord while he may
be found, call ye upon him while he
is near" ( lsa. 55:6).
God means it. We had better
seek him now, because there is a
time coming when it will be too late
for many to escape the calamities
that will end civilization as we
know it.
Time, safety, peace, present con–
ditions, this life-these don't last
forever in this world. There are
deadlines. T here are finalities. The
earthshaking events to come will be
delayed only so long.
lt Can ' t Be Done f o r Yo u
lt's you who must seek God- not
your spouse, not your relatives, not
your friends, not someone else in
your stead. The Bible is very clear
on this point. All are ultimately
accountable to God individually:
"For it is written, As I live, saith
the Lord, every knee shall bow to
me, and every tongue shall confess
to God. So then every one of us
shall give account of himself to
God" (Rom. 14:1 1-12).
Each of us will reap what we
sow! "Be not deceived; God is not
mocked: for whatsoever aman sow–
eth, that shall he also reap. For he
that soweth to his Resh shall of the
Resh reap corruption; but he that
soweth to the Spirit shall of the
Spirit reap life everlasting" (Gal.
All of us, individually, will ulti–
mately be judged: "For we must
all appear before the judgment
seat of Christ; that every one may
receive the things done in his
body, according to that he hath
done, whether it be good or bad"
( ll
Cor. 5:10).
And concerning physical protec–
tion in the here and now, Scripture
is plain. "Though these three men ,
Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it
(today's crisis). they sbould deliver
but their own souls [lives] by their
righteousness ..." (Ezek. 14:14).
The most important thing in
your life is to seek God. Nothing
else is as vital! Not even the physi–
cal necessities of food, water,
clothes and shelter are as important
as seeking the living God! Notice
especially Matthew 6:33: "But seek
ye first the kingdom of God, and
his righteousness; and all these
things [and that includes protection
in the day of trouble] shall be
added unto you."
Begin seeking God now and his
involvement in your life. He can
see to your needs and your future
Ask God for His Merey
Not only must you seek God, you
must seek God's forgiveness.
You have sinned! All have
sinned. "For all have sinned, and
come short of the glory of God"
(Rom. 3:23), says the Bible. And
what is the bíblica! definition of
sin? "Sin is the t ransgression of the
law" ( 1 John 3:4, last part).
can' t
be any plainer than that!
You are guilty of breaking God's