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he real dangers facing us–
from nuclear annihilation and eco–
logical disaster to racial fanat icism
or regional violence.
" 1 have written about these dan–
gers myself in the past, and will no
doubt do so again. War, economic
debacle, large-scale technological
disaster- any of these could alter
future h istory in catastrophic
ways" (
The Third Wave,
page 3).
Exper ts have been warning that
having enough to eat will become a
major human struggle. The Presi–
dential Commiss ion on World
Hunger predicts: "A majar crisis of
global food supply of even more
serious dimensions than the present
energy crisis appears likely within
the next 20 years."
Wor ld population is steadily ris–
is outstripping world food
production. T his doesn' t even take
into consideration the always pres–
ent possibility of drought in key
agricultura( areas. Or political tur–
moil in Third World count r ies that
regularly reduces bad ly needed
food suppl ies.
Tcchnology, for al! its benefits, is
bringing us ser ious side effects .
Every known c hemical produced
has been dumped into ou r bio–
sphere, changing ecological bal–
ances in ways we may on ly be
guessing at now.
Utte r Destruction a Real
Most a larming of all is the massive
stockpile and buildup of sophisti–
cated military nuclear weapons now
in the hands of man! Six nations
clearly have nuclear capabi lity.
According to estimates, nine other
countries have the immediate abili–
ty to make them. By 1985 there
will be as many as 35 countries
with the technological capabilities
to produce nuclear weapons!
T he ability to bring chaos and
uttcr destruction to this earth is
now an alarming reality! Andrci
Sakharev, Soviet scien tist a nd
social activist, warns us: "The
equivalent of 13 billion tons of
TNT concentrated into 40,000-
50,000 thermonuclear and nuclear
charges threatens the very exis–
tence of mankind or at least of
Aug. 16,
1981 , "An Appeal," by And rei
Sakharev, page 4).
Arms and Preclou s Me t a ls
Surviving what 's a head is on
people's minds. Su rvival packets
and books are on the market. Sur–
viva( acres located in remate
regions are big sellers. Emergency
exiti ng procedures of large metro–
pol itan areas and even how to build
underground nuclear bomb shelters
are back in the news.
In t he United States pocket
groups of paramilitary forces are
forming around the country, pre–
paring for the inevi table. There are
even Christian military organiza–
tions, training in hidden , remate
areas, stocking arms and supplies,
readying for what 's to come.
A number of financia( exper ts
advise clients to buy into precious
metals, especially gold and silver.
When push comes to shove, they
reason, gold and silver may be one
of the only reliable currencies avail–
able for acqui r ing needed necessi–
ties wben times get bad.
Superficially, sorne of these ideas
have merit. But can such prepara–
tions really provide you protection
in a nuclear holocaust?
Small parami litary organizat ions
are no real protcction against today's
sophisticated army, using nuclear
weapons and biological warfare in an
all-out war. Hiding in remote moun–
tains, banking on a comparatively
small cache of arms and supplies is
an illusive hope. Nuclear fallout,
contaminating water supplies and
causing radiation sicknesses, coupled
with rapidly spreading disease epi–
demics and dwindling, d ifficult -to–
replenish foodstuffs , wi ll event ually
take its toll aftcr a major nuclear
Escaping cities by autos in an
impend ing nuclear strike is a veri–
table impossibi lity. Two or tbree
small "fender benders" during nor–
mal workhour traffic bring roads to
snarling, jam-up halts. Can you pic–
ture what freeway and road systems
would be like when panic-stricken,
confused, scared masses of people
all t ry escaping out of a large city
and its surrounding communit ies at
the same time?
Authorit ies in one major city
estímate that it would take seven
days to evacuate its populace. How
many would escape with only min–
utes, possibly j ust seconds, of
advance warning? And if a group
of people 500,000 to a million in
size did manage somehow to escape
a nuclear blas t , how would they be
fcd and taken care of later after
such short notice and little time to
And hoarded moneys and gold
and silver? Stockpiling money or
gold and si lver wi ll not provide pro–
tection from what's to come. All the
wealth in the world can't buy safety.
Concerning what is to come, the
Bible says: "They shall cast their sil–
ver in the st reets ... their si lver and
their gold shall not be able to deliver
them in the day of the wrath of the
Lord ... " (Ezek. 7: 19).
Warnl ngs Are Serious
T he warnings by exper ts are dead ly
serious. T hose fearing the immedi–
ate fut ure have good reason for
their fear. We should be warned!
T his earth is in t rouble! What 's to
come will affect the entire world.
Wi ll di rectly affect you!
Our sophist icated, computerized
nuclear age has brougbt us to this
point of trouble. Out of control
economies, competitive political
systems and on-go ing m ili tary
buildup, coupled with man's inabi l–
ity to mediate with one another to
solve differences, will sooner or lat–
er trigger a holocaust from which
God and God alone will deliver
mankind .
We are facing the most momen–
tous happenings ever recorded or
that will ever be recorded ! And
whether you believe it or not, you
will be affected!
We are living in the biblically
prophesied time of the end , thc end
of man's age. It has been predicted
by nearly every generation since
J esus Christ walked this earth.
Only now, because of our technolo–
gy and nuclear capacity has that
end of this world's civilization been
possible. J esus warns about this
time ahead: "For then shall be
great tribulation, such as was not
since thc beginni ng of the world to
this time, no, nor ever shall be. And
except those days should be short–
ened, there should no flesh be saved
[alive]" (Matt. 24:2 1-22).
lt's true, today's economy can lev–
e! out and temporarily turn up. T his
has happened throughout the centu–
ries. Hot spots around the world can