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16. (The proper translation of the Greek in verse 16
should read: "And
gathered them together.")
COMMENT: Salan the devil- and his demons-will
especially work through human leaders whom he has
deceived; such as the "beast," the coming military
superdictator of the prophesied 1
nation end-time
reviva) of the Roman Empire, and the fal se prophet, a
great religious leader who will have universal influence
and appeal because of his charisma and power. These
will all work together, believing they bave found the
way to peace through armed might. These leaders,
who think it t heir duty to put down all insurrection,
will influence the rest of the world's political and
military leaders to
their forces on a world–
wide scale in support of
world government.
4. Exactly
do the devil's demons cause the
armies of the nations to be
gathered together
in prep–
aration for the great battle against Christ? Read Rev–
elation 16:16 agai n for the answer .
COMMENT: The "way of the kings of the east" will
have been made ready by the drying up of the River
Euphrates (verse 12). This will enable the nations to
the east to easily marshal their armies at a place called
"Armageddon ."
The word
is a Greek form of the
Hebrew name
har Megiddo.
means "hill (or moun–
tain) of Megiddo." This is the si te of the ancient city
of Megiddo, which is about 55 miles north of Jerusa–
lem, and about 15 miles inland from the Mediterra–
nean Sea. Anciently, Megiddo and the valley of
Megiddo (which is part of the larger Plain of Esdrae–
lon) was an important military site that guarded the
strategic passes of the Mt. Carmel area.
For ancient Is rael, Megiddo and the Pl ain of
Esdraelon became t he battleground of the centuries.
Time after time the blood of battle was shed there.
Over and over again the 13-acre mound of Megiddo
was refortified. Today the site is nothing more than an
unoccupied, silent mound of historie rubble. Occasion–
al tourists and archaeologists traverse its rocky face,
but it is not a major military site at this time.
But Megiddo is a
Jt is a symbol of war and human conflict. lt over–
looks the Plain of Esdraelon and the Valley of Jezreel
and stood at one of the great crossroads of the ancient
world. And as the prophecy of Revelation 16 indicates,
Megiddo and the Plain of Esdraelon will become the
staging ground or mustering area for the greatest con–
centration of military might ever assembled!
Prophecy tells us that "ten kings" (Rev. 17:12-14)
will compr ise the modern and fi nal end-time reviva! of
the ancient Roman Empire.
will be a political, mili–
tary and religious alliance of incredible power. A vast
and mighty army will be formed and will find its way
into the Middle East. The religious control of Jerusa–
lem and oil will undoubtedly be major factors prompt–
ing the maneuver.
Thus the army of this religious "beast" power will
confront the armies of the atheistic "east." But instead
of fighting each other in a battle that would have
ended in the nuclear extinction of all life (Matt.
24:22), they will, ironically, UNITE their forces and
November / December 1982
march toward Jerusalem
in an attempt to destroy
their common "enemy."
5. What is the name of the ensuing great battle
between God and man? Rev. 16:14, last part.
COMMENT: You will notice the battle is
"the battle of Armageddon"-it is called the "battle of
that great day of God Almighty"!
6. Exactly where does the Bible say this battle will
take place? Joel 3: 1-2, 9-14. Compare verse 13 with
Revelation 14:18-20 and 19:15. Also Zechariah 14: 1-4.
means "judgment of Yah–
weh" or "judgment of the Eterna!." The focal point of
the battle will be in the Valley of Jehoshaphat, also
called the "valley of decision " in the Bible. This valley
is a deep ravine having steep sides. l t borders the city
of J erusalem on the east. The Valley of Jehoshaphat,
which is situated between Jerusalem and the Mount of
Olives, is known today as the Kidron Valley.
7. How is this great climactic batt le pictured? Rev.
19:11-21 . How does Zechariah describe the frighten–
ing manifestation of the righteous judgment of God in
fighting agai nst his enemies? Zech. 14: 12. Will the
nations wage war against each other anymore after
Christ's overwhelming victory? Isa. 2:2-4.
COMMENT: Here you have a graphic description of
"the war that will
war"! Jesus Christ will utterly
destroy those who, in attempting to enforce
world government, would have destroyed the earth
through nuclear war (Rev. 11: 18).
The returning Christ will be forced to deal with
rebellious nations in the only language they under–
stand-overwhelming force!
Only then will men be
willing to try God's way of life and come under his
government, which leads to genui ne peace, happiness
and prosperity!
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