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The PLAI N TRUTH. in conjunction with the Ambassador Collegc Biblc
Corrcspondence Course, prcsents brief excursions into the fascinating study
of the Biblc. You simply turn to and
read in your Bible each verse
given in
answer to the questions. You 'll
amazed at the ncw understanding gained
each month from thesc short studics!
to End AllWar
ressive na tions, not weapons, make
wars," British Prime Minister Mar–
garet Thatcher told a UN Special Ses–
sion on Disarmament shortly after
Britain's triumph in the Falkland Islands.
is "an evasion of responsibility to suppose that
we can prevent the horrors of war by focusing on its
instruments," she said. "These are more often
symptoms than causes. Wars are caused not by
armaments but by the ambition of aggressors."
In another speech before the same session, U.S.
President Ronald Reagan said, "The Bible tells us
there will be a time for peace. But, so far this centu ry,
mankind has failed to find it." He told the delegates
that more than a hundred armed conflicts have "dis–
turbed the peace among nations since World War 11
and today the threat of nuclear disaster hangs over the
lives of all our people."
As politicians talk, the Eas t and West continue to
build bigger stockpiles of nuclear bombs and more
sophis ticated means of de livering them. Already
enough nuclear weapons exist on both sides to destroy
all li fe on our planet
many times over.
"Overkill," it 's
would be enough!
Does War End War?
Earlier this century sorne thought World War 1 would
finally bring real peace. 1n an attempt to arouse public
emot ional involveme nt in the war , U.S . President
Woodrow Wilson held aloft the torch of idealism,
proclaiming "a war to end wars."
But Mr. Wilson did not coin the phrase that became
so well known. 1n 1914 the Engl ish author and histo–
rian, H.G. Wells, had published a book titled
The War
That Wi/1 End War.
In retort, British politician,
David Lloyd George said, " This war, like the
is a war to e nd war."
World War 11 proved his words prophet ic. And now
world statesmen speak ominously of World War 111 as
the war to not only end all war, but to
end al! human–
"We have had our las t c hance," stated a sober Gen–
eral Douglas MacA rthur before the assembled U.S.
Congress after the close of World War 11.
" If
we will
not devise sorne greater and more equitable system,"
warned General MacArthur, "'Armageddon' will be
at the door."
What ls " Armageddon"?
World War 111 is predicted in the Bible.
will indeed
be the " war to end wars" between nat ions. l t will be
the g reatest battle of all human history. The victor will
utterly vanquish the foe!
But will it be the " Battle of Armageddon" referred
to so often by minis ter , s tatesman and scientist
Let's unders tand how "Armageddon" fits into bibli–
cal prophecy-especially with regard to the dramatic
return of J esus Christ.
l . Will the nations be overjoyed that God has taken
full authority to prevent nuclear mass suicide by send–
ing Christ to bring
world government to the
world? Or will the nations be
that their author–
ity to wage war is being stripped from them? Rev.
11:18. Will nations actually attempt to FIGHT Christ,
the Prince of Peace? Rev. 17:12-14. {The " Lamb"
refers to J esus Christ- John 1:36.)
2. Who will have incited the nations to fight against
their Creator God? Rev. 16:13-14.
CoMMENT: The word
in the King James Ver–
sion ought to be rendered
Tbe Bible reveals
there is one fallen archangel ( lsa. 14: 12-14, Ezek.
28: 12-17) called Satan the devi l, wbo deceives the
nations, and there are many fallen angels ( Il Pet. 2:4,
Rev. 12:7) of lesser rank called
in the Bible.
Notice that these spirits d irectly influence certain
world leaders. They wi ll deceive them with miracles,
stirring them to a fever pitch of hatred. They will
seduce the nations to fight one whom they will claim is
invader from outer space,
an Antichrist , but who is
in fact the Christ, with his army of angels (Matt.
25:3 1; Rev. 19: 11 - 16) .
3. Are these invisible demons responsible for gath–
ering the armies of all nations together? Rev. 16:14,