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Your arlicle "Why lhe World
Will Not Disarm, Why There
Wíll Be Peace Anyway" is lhe
most comprehensive overview of
lhis subjecl 1 have ever read.
T hank you fo r being bold
enough to tell the whole plain
S tanOien
Morristown, New Jersey
Please give my commenda–
tions for the article "Why We
Proclaim a Message About
Government." The orderly
manner in which he leads up lo
why God' s government is
needed makes a profound mes–
sage clearly understood.
M. Warner Hall
T ucson, Ari zona
Battle of the Sexes
1 read with interesl the arti–
cle tilled "The Battle of the
complctely agree that
the battle is destroying the
quality of life, and would be
interested to receive the three
free booklets otfered as per the
was enlightening to
read your views on the major
issues causing anxiety through–
out the world today.
Pro and Con
Angela J . Pike
London, England
Picase continue sending me
Plain Truth.
1 find its
arlicles helpful lo my spiritual
growth. Often the topics cov–
ered are the answers to the
questions 1 have asked or some–
one has asked me.
Denise EUiston
Ashfield, New South Wa les
Please stop my subscription
to the
Plain Truth .
1 have
decided to be a feminist. 1 am
September/ October 1982
What Our Readers Say
glad for women who are happy
as housewives. 1 only wish they
could be happy for me who
wants to be active in t he "out–
side" world, and not subject to
a man's direction.
I stil l eringe somewhere
inside when 1 see a booklet
The Seven Laws of Suc–
and see only a picture of a
white man on the steps. What
about women and people of
Diane F. Germa in
San Diego, California
1 would like to express my
appreciation for tbe six lessons 1
have received so far ofyour Cor–
respondence Course. Your mag–
azines and many booklets have
benefited me tremendously.
Tunapuna, Trinidad
l was traveling borne on a
Greyhound bus from Los
Angeles and reading your book
The Missing Dimension in Sex
and had read about balf of the
book. When l got back on my
seat, someone had stolen it. Is it
possible for you to send me
another one, please? l would
greatly appreciate it.
Mrs. James Speed
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Central America
I'm neither leftist, isolation–
ist, nor supporter of U.S. for–
eign policy, but 1 firmly believe
lhat our false efforts to bestow
the "good Iife" upon our Latín
neighbors in the form of our
own materialism has been a
colossal exercise in promoting
human misery.
Vic Jeffreys
Burlington, Nortb Carolina
.Personal from the Editor
thank you sincerely for
sending me a copy of the
each month.
In the recent number which
arrived today l read with much
interest your art icle entit led
"Why Churches Are Divided"
and wou ld like to discuss with
you (as you requested) the logi–
cal and only solution to the
Brotber Ha rold
Mar ist Brothers
In your
Plain Truth
you fin–
ished your article "Why
Churches Are Divided" by say–
ing, "Write me." 1 have longed
to do just this for sorne time,
but felt it an imposition when
there are so many more impor–
tant things that need your
attention. However, now the
invitation has been given, l'm
doing just that ...
Dr. Cyril J . Phelps
Kait.aia, Nortbland,
New Zealand
For the very first time 1 have
read your March 1982 issue
from cover to cover and 1 feel
enlightened in a sense that 1
have never experienced in my
life before.
find myself hun–
.gry for knowledge. At the same
time, l am experiencing an
inner peace that 1 honestly feel
that 1 have been seeking all my
life and it has taken me 35
years to find i
Mrs. Yvonne Jenner
Sydney, Austra lia
Survival Guide
"A Survival Guide for Stu–
dents and Educators" pictured
higher education as it truly is . 1
say that as one who once felt
trapped by that system. 1
dreamed of a tru l y well–
rounded education when 1
entered college.
What a pity. I had nol
learned how to live a happy,
productive life at all. l nstead 1
was fed fact after fact while lit–
tle or no instruction was given
on how to put this knowledge to
use in my li fe.
Andrew W. Diemer
Cleveland, Obio
Much bloodletting in l reland
is largely due to t he machina–
tions, whims and fancies of
people outside of Great Britain.
is now a truism that millions
of doiJars are funneled into Jre–
land simpiy to perpetuate and
escalate hostilities between
Protestants and Catholics.
There is hardly any evidence to
show that money is spent to
cultivate peace and harmony.
Sridatt Lakhan
Toronto, Ontario
Were it not for the economic
inequality between Protestant
and Cathol ic there might well be
no stri fe today. T his undoubted–
ly had its roots in the religious
ditferences, but the failure of
the majority Protestant popula–
tion to allow the minority Catho–
lics to do little else but menial
laboring type work has created
the current un res
James A. Gilroy
Greene, New York
Paisley has his troops and the
IRA has theirs and both are
spoiling for a fight. The only
kind of intervention that will
bring about a peaceful resolu–
tion is Divine intervention. See–
ing the long record of mas–
sacres set upon the Celts by the
English 1 don't see their inter–
vention as being divine.
T. Evan Bumside
Coldwater, Micbigan
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