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For Those Soon to
unmistakable. Perhaps the
NASB does express it
best. " Giving happiness" is
the name of the marriage
game. Our Editor-in-Chief
has long explained that
there are only two
Getting a marriage started
off on the right foot is
essential. How much
easier it is to win a race if
you get off to a fast start.
One particular verse in the
Judaeo / Christian Bible
brings out this point very
clearly. "When aman is
newly married, he shall not
go out with the army or be
charged with any business;
he shall be free at home
one year, to be happy with
his wife whom he has
taken" (Deut. 24:5, RSV) .
The NASB translates that
last phrase: " ... And shall
give happiness to his wife
whom he has taken." The
King James or Authorized
Version puts it this way:
foot. Of course, the nations
of this world have rejected
the wisdom given to
ancient Israel. lf they
hadn't, there wouldn' t be
so many sad newspaper
stories of couples who
were married for a few
hours or perhaps days
basic ways of life-the
give way and the get way.
lt has also been said that
there are only two kinds of
people-the givers and the
takers. In marriage you'd
better both
"And shall cheer up his
wife which he has taken.' '
(The new wife, of course,
is to submit and
They all add up to the
same thing. God wants
your marriage to be happy.
Even the social structure in
ancient Israel was designed
to get newly married
couples off on the right
only to have the husband
later fall in battle
somewhere on the
other side of the
But the principie given in
this one verse for building
a salid marriage is
The give way in
marriage is the way of
cooperation, the way of
sharing, the way of putting
your mate first. the way of
helpfulness in every
situation. o
(Continued from page 12)
digs up evil. " Let the matter
When the Kis si n g Begins
to Stop -
The last s top in this ar ticle is inti–
macy in marriage.
has been sug–
gested, and with much accuracy,
that int imacy is the essence of mar–
riage. l n t imacy, however , is so
much more than just physical inter–
course. A knowing glance between
two people in lave. A squeeze of the
hand just at the right moment.
Taking a walk in the park together
with nary a word spoken. Tea and
toast for two after the child ren have
been put to bed. All these things,
and many more, make up the inti–
mate marital relationship.
H ave the cares of this life
crowded these things out of your
marriage? You don' t take the trou–
ble to kiss anymore. You don't
bother to sneak up behind your
husband and kiss him like you used
todo. The children seem to take up
all of your time and there's nothing
left over for your husband . You
nearly always have a headache at
bedtime. Then your marriage is in
you don't express any intimacy
toward your mate during the day,
picase don' t expect things to work
out at bedtime. They won't! Dr. and
Mrs. Ed Wheat make a telling point
in their book about Christian mar–
r iage. " Despite the claims of sorne
sex manuals, a couple cannot sepa–
rate sex from the rest of the mar–
r iage.... Everything that happens
in a marriage has its effect upon the
lovemaking experiences"
for Pleasure,
p. 21, Revell).
Sexual intimacy is far too broad
a tapie for any one magazine arti–
cle. If you are having difficulties
this area or you just want to know
more about the subj ect, please
request our free book entitled
Missing Dimension in Sex.
attractively printed book not only
gives you the necessary and essen–
ti a l t ech nica l details, it also
explains the vi tal spiritual meaning
behind life's most intimate physical
But what happens du r ing thc day
is probably more important than
what happens at night . Physical
intimacies in the evening should
just be a loving clímax to the little
intimacies that began from the
moment you woke up and kissed
your mate good morning.
he most important dimension in knowledge about sex
and marriage had been missing- unpublished, until
is book. Marriage is far more than a human institu-
on, sexual union much more than a
physical act.
you would like to know more,
you may request this attractively printed
book absolutely free . Herbert W. Armstrong
offers a unique perspective-from the
Bible-on life's most intimate relat ionship.
J ust fi ll out and mail the literature reply card
in this issue, or write to the
Plain Truth
office nearest you.