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With Job
Donald D. Schroeder
Here is a fantastic plan to put the world's economy- and human
livelihood- back on the right track!
have been
told that the Gospel–
the good news that
Jesus Christ brought- in–
volves the total restructuring
of the world's economy?
And enjoyable ways of earn-
ing a living?
Why have so few religious lead–
crs told you these things? Is it
because they don't know, or believe
T here is a
for today's eco–
nomic ills. A cause for unemploy–
ment. A cause for inAation, eco–
nomic depression and trade wars
that throw so many out of work
with no place to turn. God is send–
ing J esus to this earth a second
time-this time to strike at the
causes of these problems and el iini–
nate them.
The First St ep
What is the first step Christ will
take to s traighten ou t world prob–
lems? He will remove the primary
causing world problems:
And this source is not physical or
Chr ist will fi rst dethrone and
chain Satan and his evil host of
demons so they cannot deceive the
nations anymore (see Rev. 20: 1-3).
Without this step world peace is
not possible. But no human govern–
ment knows that!
Under Christ's direction nations
will be forced to stop warring and
figh ting.
Wa r making is one of the
greatest curses on humanity. But,
August 1982
under God's government, this
major cause of economic insecurity,
job dis ruption and misappropria–
tion of limited human and material
rcsources will be forcibly stopped.
"And it shall cometo pass
in the
last days,
that the mountain [gov–
ernment] of the Lord's house shall
be established in the top of the
mountains [it will rule over all
nat ions] ... and all nations
: .
shall go and say, Come ye, and
Jet us go up to the mountain of the
Lord • .. a nd he wi ll teach us of his
ways, and we will walk in his
paths, ...
"And he [Christ] shall j udge
among the nat ions, a nd shal l
rebU'ke many people:
and they shall
beat their swords [mili tary hard–
ware] into plowshares, and their
spears into pruninghooks: nation
shall not lift up sword against
nation, neither shall they learn war
any more" ( lsa. 2:2-4) . .
Wúh so many totaJly destroyed
economi es among the nations,
Jesus can start afresh in rebu ilding
many nations in his totally new way
of liví ng.
Notice the new economic focus.
will be based in agr iculture, in
the soi l, in producing abundant
food and building materials, not in
machines for war and conquest.
Today, most nations are bur–
dened with huge defense and mili–
tary outlays. Sorne defense outlays
eat up as much as half of govern–
ment budgets while agriculture and
essential economic sectors Janguish
for . funds. These military outlays
are in defense of competitive world
ideologies-capitalism and commu-
nism- neither of which have solved
nor can salve the economic inj us–
tices in this world.
But after military threats to
peace are eliminated, then what?
Every human being will be given
an inheritance in property, in pro–
ductive land. This is land that a
person can live upon or always fall
back upon to provide the basic
essentials of life for himself and his
family .
Humans under God's govern–
ment will not be slaves to a s tate or
to sorne industry or· job that totally
divorces them from the productivi–
ty of their own land.
Notice the prophecy of Zech.
3: 1O. " In that day [after God's gov–
ernment is established on earth],
says the Lord ...
every one
of you
wi ll invite his neighbor under
vine a nd under
fig tree"
But you may ask, will there be
enough good and fertile land for
will be produced by the
power and merey of the Great
"The wilderness and the sol itary
pl ace ... a nd the d esert shal l
rejoice, and blossom as the rose.
... Say to them that are of a fearful
heart [that's much of humanity
today], Be strong, fear not: behold,
your God will come ... he will
come and save you.... in the wil-
derness shall waters break out, and
streams in the desert. And the
parched ground shall become a
pool, and the thirsty land springs of
water ... " (Isa. 35:1, 4 , 6-7).
And families will keep their pre–
cious inheritance of agricultura)