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(Continued jrom page 8)
dents are graduated lacking even
the most basic skills necessary for
Colleges and universities gear to
overspecialization. They focus on
th!! post-graduate paycheck, teach–
ing students how to make a living,
but not
To anyone willing to take a real–
istic look at modern ed ucat ion, the
appall ing picture becomes painfully
clear! Rather than producing edu–
cated graduates to
society for the good, modern insti–
tutions of " learning" have
society. Rather than helping to
overcome society's ills, they have
been overcome
by a decadent and
aimless age!
Geographic illiteracy is a prime
example. Today's lack of basic geo–
graph ical understand ing is a vivid
reflection of modern society. l t's a
symptom of the "Me" epidemic
that has been sweeping the country
in recent times, of the "look-out–
for -Number-One" syndrome. The
attitude of many today is simpl y:
"Why concern myself with any–
thing outs ide
my own
The average American is too
busy with his personal day-to-day
affairs, too isolationist to be con–
cerned with the international scene.
Students are too narrowly focused
on career-related matters to con–
template goings-on in
(where's that?) of all places!
Yet our age
an accu–
rate understanding of the basic
facts of world geography and inter–
national affairs! "We
a population that can read
maps," one majar weekly magazine
recently declared. But we
have no
such population!
Climactic T imes
We are living at a crucial time in
world history. Forces are even now
converging that will soon propel
this world into a time of unparal–
leled chaos and calamity! Regular
readers of
The Plain Truth
aware of the ancient prophecies
that are soon to be ful fi lled in
wor ld news.
Now more than ever befare it is
time to WATCH world news- and
watch it
with understanding!
to properly eval–
uate a world event without an
understanding of geographic rela–
tionships of countries. Geography
makes current events
come alive!
The interplay of men and nations
takes on an added dimension when
we see the geographic relationships
To understand the master plan of
Bible prophecy, it is necessary to
have an accurate view of the world.
How can one grasp the importance
of the Sinai Península in Egyptian–
Israeli relations when one believes
the Sinai to be in Vietnam?
And your very
may well
depend on an accurate understand–
ing of world trends and events!
Jesus Christ declared: "WATCH
ye therefore, and pray always,
ye m.ay be accounted worthy to
escape al! these things
that shall
come to pass [incl uding the coming
religious persecution to befall this
earth] . .. " ( Luke 21 :36).
God wants men and women with
a concerned
world view!
What You Can Do
Here's what you can personally do
to acquire a greater understandi ng
of world geography an d world
• If
you don't already have one,
purchase a world atlas. A new
paperback atlas costs just a few
dollars. Or you could purchase an
atlas at a used book shop for even
• Use your atlas. Open it and
rea lly
look at
the maps. Begin
with a map of the world. Notice
the relationships of the various
continents to one another. Then
go to the more detai led maps.
Loca te all those places you 've
always heard about but did not
take the time to search out.
• Keep a note pad or a sheet of
paper handy to jot down names of
unfamiliar cities, countries, rivers,
mountain ranges or bodies of water
that you hear or see on the radio,
on television, in conversation, in the
newspaper and in magazines. Then
look them up in your atlas when
you have time.
• Listen to or watch news broad–
casts with your atlas at hand. Make
a point to watch travelogue-type
programs and documentaries focus–
ing on current events tapies. Your
geographic knowledge will grow
rapidly in a short span of time.
• Parents, become involved with
your children. Encourage them to
enjoy the atlas. Show them in an
atlas or on a globe sorne of the
countries and cities they hear about
in school or elsewhere. Establish
the atlas-habit in them at an early
• Continue reading
The Plain
each month, and listen reg–
ularly to
The World Tom.orrow
radio broadcast and /or telecast.
They will alert you to the impor–
tant trends and events in world
news fulfilling majar end-time
Bible prophecies. If a
Plain Truth
article does not carry an accompa–
nying map,
use your atlas!
In this age of mass communica–
tion, there is no excuse for geo–
graphic illiteracy!
is time to
to the seriousness of world
As biblical prophecy unfolds
befare your eyes, prepare yourself
to understand fully the climactic
events that will engulf the earth!
Your lije
may depend on it!
The author is in.ftru ctor in geogrophy at Ambassador
Col/ege, Pasadena. California.
The scrambled "world map" at the top of page 7 contains
mistakes. Rather than enumerate them for you, we suggest that you
search them out for yourself with the a id of a proper world map. Be
on the lookout for misplaced borders, mislabeled countries,
relocated land masses and the like.