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Herbert W. Armstrong
no advertising? A personal explanation
the founder and Editor-in-Chief.
h is
magazine is
In many
ways. No other is like
it. No other gives you
of today's
where it is lead–
ing- of what is prophesied
biblically for the near fu–
No other gives you UNDER–
STANDING of the world in which
you live- of the incredible PARA–
oox of modern 20th century awe–
some PROGRESS, but with appall–
ing evils, seemingly u nsolvable
TROUBLES, universal discontent
and unhappiness with violence,
wars, human suffering.
No other gives UNDERSTANDING
of WHY humanity is here on
earth-the real meaning and PUR–
POSE of human life and what really
líes ahead for us.
Yes, this magazine is PRICE–
LESs-no subscription price-no
newsstand price- you can't buy it!
give you sorne very per–
sonal experiences from more than
55 years ago? I had been very suc–
cessful in the advertising profes–
sion, in the magazine and newspa–
per business. 1 had pioneered in
making surveys of public opinion
for a national magazine. That was
my background before founding
The P/ain Truth .
I had wondered WHY this world
is full of discontent, unhappiness
and suffering, with unsolvable
problems and troubles amid such
awesome material advancement.
Scientists and educators were say–
ing, "Given sufficient KNOWL–
EDGE, we will solve all our troubles
and eradicate all our evils." K nowl–
edge rapidly increased-but so did
troubles and evils. The foundation
of the 19th and 20th century esca–
lation of knowledge was the gradual
and final acceptance of the theory
of evolution. This theory became
the basic concept-the eyeglasses
through which advancing knowl–
edge was based. The educators and
leading minds were saying civiliza–
tion had now advanced to the point
where we could throw away the
swaddling clothes of superstition
and the crutch of belief in a Cre–
ator God. Evolution, advancing
knowledge based on it and modern
science became the new messiahs
that were to deliver suffering
humanity from its curses, baffiing
problems, evils and sufferings.
But the discontent, evils and suf–
ferings multiplied. Evolution failed
utterly to solve human problems
and woes. Modern science
until now, finally, it has
produced the weapons of mass
destruction that threaten to annihi–
late all human life- to become the
Frankenstein monster that could
destroy us all!
In the autumn of 1926
was chal–
lenged to examine the
of origins of matter-of the uni-
verse-and of life upon the earth–
the existence of the Creator Goo! 1
entered into an intensive in-depth
research of origins, of causes and
effects. 1 disproved the evolutionary
hypothesis. l found PROOF of the
existence and reality of Almighty
God the Creator. l proved conclu–
sively, after intensive night-and-day
study, that the Holy Bible is, indeed,
the inspired Word of God- literally
Goo SPEAKING, revealing spiritual
knowledge, history and prophecy
(history in advance).
learned where 1, myself,
had been WRONG-wrong in what 1
had been brought up to assume,
accept and believe- wrong in atti–
tude- wrong in the way
lived. l
learned the TRUTH about Jesus
Christ-a truth few, strange as it
may seem, really know! l not only
accepted Christ- received Christ
as Saviour- l GAvE myself and my
life to him, to "brainwash" me–
that is, wash my mind clean of false
beliefs and false knowledge. To
instruct me through his Word in
TRUTH. He says, in the Bible, that
HIS WORD (the Bible) is TRUTH. As
he opened my mind to compre–
hend, he gave me UNDERSTANDING
of WHY the world is as it is-of the
PURPOSE God is working out here
below, and what shall come in the
Having been many years in the
publishing field, I wanted to start a
NEW kind of magazine-te make
plain and clear and UNDERSTAND–
ABLE this marvelous revelation of
spiri tual knowledge-of his tory
and prophecy-of life and its
MEANING-of world conditions and
what God has planned for its
future. Since the Bible is God
to mankind- since it is
the TRUTH- and [ wanted to make
that truth PLAIN and understand–
able, I decided (and l'm sure God
led me) to cal! the magazine
P/ain Truth.
But I had learned that God says,
"Buy the truth , and sell it
not ... " (Prov. 23:23) , and God's
way of life is GIVING, rather than
knew this magazine must
not be sold, but given freely. And
yet my magazine experience had
shown me that unless people ASK
for it- subscribe to
like other
magazines-or pick it up by their
(Continued on page 41 )