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Herbert W. Armstrong
Today- one divorce for every two marriages! Is marriage on the
way out? Why did even God
divorce his wife? Here's truth
to you!
world's number one
evil is the fact people
can't live happily at
peace with other
people. This one fact fore–
of the
world's very civilízation. But
In the single year ending
October 31, 1980, there were
l, 182,000 divorces in the
United States compared with
2,414,000 marriages! Half as
many divorces as marriages! In
1979 divorces were nearly two–
and-a-half times the rate of
only 20 years earlier- 1959!
European divorce statistics are
almost as bad.
But the important fact is the rea–
son- what has
this super
cancer bringing this world to its
A Case History
Usually, in fact, both partners are
to blame where marriage ends in
divorce. But even where only one
partner is at fault, it can put both
through this tragic wringer of
human anguish.
quote a specific
case history in point.
lt's a case of an aged personage
who loved a beautiful young
woman and proposed marriage. He
offered her a considerably in–
creased life-style and many advan–
tages-even to make her the
of all the earth-for this aged
personage was Goo. And all the
earth was his! 1 quote from this
biblical story because it illustrates
human nature and the
divorces and broken marriages
today. And these biblical experi–
ences "happened to them as a
warning, but they were written
down for our instruction, upon
whom the end of the ages has
Cor. 10:11, RSV). Much
of this romance and its outcome is
found in the 16th chapter of Eze–
kiel, sorne in Jeremiah
sorne in
and elsewhere. But the
proposal of marriage is found in
Exodus 19:5. The acceptance is in
verse 8. The marriage ceremony in
Exodus 24:3-8.
This marriage and the fascinat–
ing story concerning it in many
ways is typical of many marriage
experiences even today. The
of its historie outcome are
precisely the same causes that dis–
solve many marriages today. In it
líes the real reason for so many
unhappy marriages, and the agony
of divorce. Its ultimate future out–
come reveals to us the way to a
marriage today and the'ulti-
mate incredible potential for
This aged personage's wife to
be was in the bondage of slavery
in Egypt- just as many young
brides today are in the bondage of
sin. She was promised enjoyable
living in a most desired home–
the promised land flowing with
milk and honey. This national
wife promised to be subject to her
husband in everything, and to
respect him, in the marriage cer–
emony. Moses officiated at that
ceremony. "And he took the book
of the covenant, and read in the
audience of the people: and they
said, All that the Lord hath said
will we do, and be obedient" (Ex.
This husband, God, took his wife
to her very choice new home, the
"glory of aJI lands" (Ezek. 20:15).
But his wife was unfaithful and
refused to live with him in peace,
for two cannot "walk together,
except they be agreed" (Amos 3:3).
You will read the whole account in
story form in the 16th chapter of
Ezekiel, where it paints the story of
an interesting romance and unsuc–
cessful marriage.
God said, "1 will judge thee, as
women that break wedlock and
shed blood are judged; and
give thee blood
in fury
... "-the
(Continued on page 44)