proper. (The Soviets in their calcu–
Jations include British and French
nuclear forces; the Americans do
President Ronald Reagan dis–
missed the Brezhnev pronounce–
ment out of hand as a mere propa–
ganda gesture. He further observed
that the moratorium is limited to
the European part of the Soviet
Union, thus Jeaving the U.S.S.R.
free to continue its Euro-missile
of the Ural Moun–
tains- still well within the SS-20s'
3,000-mile range of Western
What Soviets Fear
What is plainly obvious is that the
Soviet Jeadership is doing all in its
persuasive power to sidetrack the
NATO plan to deploy new mid–
range nuclear missiles.
The reason is simple. The severa)
thousand NATO nuclear-tipped
missiles present ly in place in West–
ern Europe are all of the tactical or
battlefield variety, with a maxi–
mum range of only 400 miles. They
represent no threat to the Soviet
Union itself.
This is not the case with the pro–
posed 572 Pershing
and cruise
missiles. These weapons make pos–
sible for the first time (with the
exception of elements of the inde–
pendent French nuclear force), a
nuclear counterattack upon the
Soviet heartland from bases
Western Europe.
Soviet authorities are mindful of
American national character. They
know that the U.S. represents no
direct offensive threat to their
country. U.S. officials have repeat–
edly maintained that America's for–
midable array of intercontinental
ballistic missiles ( ICBMs) based in
s ubmarines or on land
in the
United States
will never be used in
a first strike agai nst the Soviet
Union .
To the wary Soviets, these stra–
tegic weapons are kept at a safe
distance and, more important, in
complete control of an adversary
whose actions they believe they can
safely predict.
Moscow is convinced, however,
that American-controlled medium–
range nuclear weapons
based in
and targeted on the Soviet
Union could somehow, at sorne
future time, fall into "the wrong
This is the Kremlin's night–
Threats to the Russian realm
have always come from one princi–
and Central
Europe. T he collective historie
memory of Napoleon's thrust to
Moscow and Hitler's Operation
Barbarossa is as alive today in the
Soviet Union as it ever was.
Soviet Plan Could Backfire
The Soviet's offer of a nuclear
moratorium is thus primarily aimed
at Western public opinion, specifi–
cally the so-called peace move–
ments in Western Europe and the
United States. The Soviets increas–
ingly rely upon these movements to
generate such opposit ion to the
NATO plan that the new missiles
will not be deployed.
But the Soviet obsession with
national security in the form of
nuclear weaponry could backfire.
Should the Russians succeed in
having the antinuclear movements
block the NATO plan, the West–
ern alliance itself- which along
with the Warsaw Pact has pre–
served Europe's nervous postwar
peace-might be shattered beyond
As a result the mood to pull
American troops out of Europe,
slowly gaining headway in influen–
t ial circles in the United States,
might be unstoppable.
Without Americans on the scene
in Europe, to anchor NATO on the
front Li ne, key European powers
would ultimately have to resort to
their own defense-complete with
nuclear weapons- to withstand So–
viet might.
Few people today realize that
NATO is as mucha device tosta–
bilize Western European- specifi–
cally German- energies and inter–
ests as it is to provide a common
Western defensive posture toward
the Soviet Union.
Moscow's moves, therefore,
might unknowingly unlock the door
to a far greater challenge to the
Communist East bloc than the
leaders of the Soviet Union realize.
Bible prophecy, as this magazine
repeatedly emphasizes, predicts the
emergence of just such an end-time
European Third Force.
. •.
First take a look at the facts:
1. Nuclear weaponry bran–
dished even by small
unstable nations.
2. Tempers grow short; rea–
son gives way to desper–
ation in international
3 .
Economic strangulation,
perhaps total collapse.
4 .
Shrinking resources–
too little food , oil , fertil–
izer, etc.
5 .
World population dou–
bling in
years-14 bll–
lion people on the planet
2035 .
Nobody likes bad news. But
if present trends cont inue,
mankind is headed for grave
danger . World leaders are
alarmed. Terms like " Arma–
geddon" and "Apocalypse"
are commonly used. ls dooms–
day at our door?
The handwriting is on the wall,
but there is an alternativa to
global holocaust.
For the surprising answer,
write for our free booklet. lt's
The Book of Revelation
Unveiled at Last l