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century. Suddenly, German inven–
tors emigrated to Great Britain to
patent their inventions in paper
making and the rotary press, which
immensely increased productivity in
Think of it! Through those long
míllennia the world was virtually
wíthout means of transportation or
communícatíon! Transportation on
land was by foot, mule, horse, carne!,
elephant or in vehicles drawn by
these anímals. By sea, ít was by
slow-moving sailboat. Fulton didn't
invent the steamboat until 1803. And
the telephone, to provide communi–
catíon, did not arrive untíl 1876. The
telephone was in its infancy when 1
was a boy.
In my .own lifetime, we havc
whipped past the machine age, the jet
age, the nuclear age, and the space
age. Much of the acceleration of
inventions was stimulated first by the
printing press, which made possible a
greater dilfusion of knowledge and ·
exchange of ideas, and then by more
rapíd means
transportation- the
steam engine, thesteamboat, theauto–
mobíle, the airplane. And finally, the
telephone, telegraph, radio, TV.
But what was the original ím–
Wíth the emergence of "modern
scíence" around the begínning of the
19th century, scícntísts assured the
world that man had progresscd to the
point where he then could dispense
wíth the superstitíous crutch of reli–
gíon and belíef in God. Now human–
íty could rely on the
modern science.
"Given sufficient knowledge," sa id
the scientists, "we shall solve al! of
humanity's problems and cure al! the
world's ills."
To replace religion and belief in
God, scientists and educators had
subst ituted the doctrine of evolution.
The tools modern scíence used in the
productíon of this new KNOWLEDG
were a stepped-up use of those man
had employed since the dawn of
hístory- rejection of revelatíon as a
source of knowledge and the use of
observation, experimentation, and
human reason.
So the production of KNOWLEDGE
íncreased at a constantly accelerat–
íng pace. The world's total fund of
knowledge vinually
in the
one decade of the 1960s!
But, paradoxieally, as knowledge
has increased,
so have humanity's
problems, troubles and evíls, at
almost an equal rate of accelera–
What's wrong with the dictum
that knowledge is the sole need for
solutions? We are face to face with
the stern FACT that increasing evils
have escalated increasing
knowledge! That is not to say that the
increased knowledge
growíng evíls.
does mean that the
knowledge produced
did not cure
existing evíls,
or prevent new evils!
The ANSWER becomes plaín. There
something wrong
wíth the
knowledge being produced, or else
knowledge was not being discov–
To the dictum of scíence that given
sufficient knowledge, · mankind's
problems would be solved and hu-
This is no light matter.
lgnoring humanity's
present dilemma will not
to go away.
' '
manity's ills cured, 1 add this: Solu–
tions come from the
that supplies the
answer- the
true CAUSE of both the evils and the
CAUSE that would produce peace and
joy and every GOOD result; and,
secondly, solutions come from the
application of that knowledge. For 1
have always said that knowledge ís of
value only to the extent that it is
In this feverish development of
knowledge production, scholars in
universities have been placing great
emphasis on
academic freedorn.
Academíc freedom ís defined as the
índependent judgment allowed
teachers, scholars, scientísts, and stu–
dents in thc pursuit of knowledge.
Science as a whole and higher
education have exercised the aca–
demic freedom to postulate a cre–
ation without a Creator. They have
engaged in the activity of knowl–
edge production with total rejection
of any possibility of the miraculous,
the supernatural, the exístence of
God- or anything outside the realm
of the material. They have uttcrly
rejected revelation as a source of
basic knowledge!
engaged in research on the
theory of evolution, 1 studied Dar–
win, Haeckel, Huxley, Vogt, Cham–
berlaín, and other exponents of the
theory. But also I looked at the other
side of the question. But 1 would
venture to say that most of those
whose higher education has been
acquired during the past half century
have been taught and have accepted
wíthout question the evolutionary
not having exarnined with
any seriousness
the biblícal evi–
dences of special creation. The
world's "best seller" has been dis–
without a hearing.
ls it not human to err?
Could it be
for the most
highly educated minds to have been
intellectually misled or deceíved?
Could they, viewing only
on(t side
the questíon, be infallible, entírely
above making mistakes? For many
years now, l have observed that
errors almost always come when a
person starts with a false basic
premise-carelessly assumed as
self-evident and taken for granted
without question-and then builds
on that false basic hypothesis.
Suppose we now appropriate the
academic freedom to question that
whích educators have dismissed
without examination.
ls it possible for us to find the
EXPLANATION of why MANis as he is,
WHY the world is filled with cvils? ls
it possible for us to discover the
CAUSE of all human sulfering, an–
guish, unhappiness, and inequality?
ls it possible to find the CAUSE that
would produce peace, happincss,
abundance, and prosperity- the
CAUSE which world leaders have
apparently overlooked? ls it possible
to find the key to human survival?
The answer to the preceding ques–
tions is "YES!" Ves, it is possíble to
answer these basic questions that
have haunted man as long as he has
existed. Ves, there is an answer to
these questions that deal with man's
very survival. l f you want A SWERS
to these questions, write for our book–
Why Were You Born.
lt's free for
the asking.